Window to Switch TESD Learning Selection Opens October 28
TESD families will have the opportunity to switch their current learning selection between October 28 and November 6. Any new selections will be effective December 1 through January 22, 2021, the end of the first semester. TESD continues to offer the current instructional formats of hybrid instruction (blended in-person and virtual) or all-virtual instruction. Families who wish to keep their current learning selections do not need to take any action. There will be additional opportunities to change learning selections later in the school year.
On Wednesday, October 28, parents/guardians will receive instructions on how to make changes to their learning selections. The deadline to make changes is Friday, November 6. After November 6, we ask that all selections be maintained through January 22.
Key dates regarding the winter learning selection:
- October 28, 2020– Beginning of period to change learning selection for December 1 – January 22.
- November 6, 2020– Last day to change learning selection.
- December 1, 2020– New learning selections begin and are maintained through January 22, 2021.
Bus Transportation
In addition to selecting an instructional format, families who are switching from virtual instruction to hybrid instruction will need to indicate whether they will need T/E bus transportation. Bus transportation will be available; however, it is not possible to consistently maintain social distancing of six feet on school buses. If feasible, the District is asking parents to drive their children to and from school to reduce the number of students on buses.
FAQs about Winter Learning Selections
- My child is currently in hybrid learning and we would like to remain in hybrid learning, but I now need bus transportation. Is it possible to start bus transportation on December 1?
Yes. If you need bus transportation and did not select it on the original selection form in August, please choose the option for bus transportation when making your selections.
- Will students in hybrid learning still attend school in-person two days per week?
At this time, students who are participating in hybrid learning will continue attending school for in-person instruction twice a week by alphabetical cohort. In-school capacity and in-school rotation may be adjusted due to changes in pandemic conditions, guidance on social distancing, gathering size limitations, and number of families that opt to participate in hybrid, in-person instruction.
- When will students be able to return to in-person instruction five days a week?
The District is following state and local guidance for schools which includes social distancing of six feet wherever possible. In order to adhere to this guidance, schools need to operate at a reduced capacity when students are in the building.
- Will the 100% virtual learning option be available through the end of the 2020-2021 school year?
Yes. TESD will continue to provide the 100% virtual learning option through the end of the 2020-2021 school year.