Absences Contacting a Teacher Dangerous Strangers Dress Code Halloween Parade Homework Lost and Found Messages to Students Report Cards Snack Time Teacher/Pupil Ratios Transportation: Private Transportation: Special Arrangements VisitorsAt Valley Forge Elementary, we request parents to call the school by 9:00 A.M. each morning their child is to be absent. If your child is not feeling well, please check his/her temperature before allowing your youngster to leave for school. If there is evidence of a fever, please keep the child at home rather than risk the infection of others at school.If your child must be absent longer than two days and you desire homework, please call the office before 10:00 A.M.. Homework will be sent to the office by 3:00 P.M.
When children return to school after an absence, parents should write an absence note to the homeroom teacher. Legal absences include illness, death in the family and impassable roads.
Legal absences for student educational travel must be requested at least two weeks prior to absence. A form requesting legal absence may be obtained in the office.
All staff members can be contacted through e-mail or voicemail. Teachers will share this information with parents at Curriculum Night.
Occasionally we receive reports of isolated incidents where a stranger has approached a child. This raises the concern of the possibility of abduction. Students in the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District routinely receive instruction in our health and safety curriculum on procedures to follow if this situation should occur.
When a report of an incident is made to the school the police are notified immediately and the teachers are instructed to review with the children strategies concerning "dangerous strangers." A notice of the incident will be sent home to parents.
It is our belief that an individual's mode of dress reflects not only pride in one's self, but on his/her school. If a child's dress is considered inappropriate, the parents will be notified. Sneakers are required in the gym. It is helpful if a pair of sneakers can be left at school.
Nametags on your children's clothing help us return lost items. There is a Lost and Found cabinet in the cafeteria.
Since we attempt to take the children outside for recess in all but rainy weather, parents are encouraged to have students wear the appropriate clothing for outdoor recess throughout the year.
Participation in the Halloween Parade is optional. The following are costume guidelines.
Students are asked to wear costumes that don't include:- Gory subjects - blood, death, horror creatures, etc.
- Weapons - swords, guns, rifles, knives, etc.
- Materials or masks that inhibit vision or breathing.
First grade students may be assigned homework at the teacher's discretion during the first half of the year. Homework will be assigned at least twice a week during the second half of the year.
Second grade students may be assigned up to 30 minutes of homework per night.
Third grade students may be assigned up to 40 minutes for all subjects.
Fourth grade students may be assigned up to 50 minutes.
This policy is flexible but should not exceed the designated limits.
The Lost and Found cabinet is located in the back of the cafeteria. Twice a year items are placed on display for the children and parents to view.
We request that classes not be interrupted during school hours. If it is necessary to deliver a message or drop something off for your child or a teacher, please go the school office.
Messages about changes in transportation will be announced at the end of the school day.
Children are permitted to call home only in emergency situations. Forgotten lunches or homework are not normally considered emergencies. Students will be helped in handling this situation responsibly.
The school issues report cards three times each year. Each special area teacher grades each student two of the three marking periods. Also, there will be two parent conferences per year. Check the school calendar and newsletter for dates.
Kindergarten report cards are issued three times a year with a format more specifically designed to match that program.
The cafeteria makes snack items available each day during morning recess for all students in grades 1-4. Snack items include crackers, pretzel rods, soft pretzels and chips with items ranging in price up to 75 cents. Students can always bring a snack from home, if they desire. Kindergarten teachers will contact parents regarding snacks for their classes.Kindergarten:18-22First Grade:18-22Second Grade:21-25Third Grade:21-25Fourth Grade:21-25
For safety reasons and to avoid bus traffic, parents transporting children to school should enter the main drive and proceed to the FRONT entrance of the school.
Students waiting for private transportation after school should wait in the school lobby. Staff will supervise the dismissal of private transportation students.
The T/E School District requires that the principal of each school fill out a form when you request your child to ride a bus to which he/she is not assigned. The ONLY reasons for which children may change buses are as follows:- Supervision (parents not home)
- Emergency
Your written note requesting a change of bus must state one of these reasons as well as the date and bus number he/she will be taking home.
If your child is to walk home or ride in a private car that normally does not pick up the child, a note informing the classroom teacher is required. NOTES ARE REQUIRED FOR ANY CHANGE IN THE CHILD'S REGULAR SCHEDULE. To reach the Transportation Department call 610-240-1680.
Anyone entering the building during the hours of 8:40 A.M. - 3:20 P.M. must sign-in with the Lobby Aide and receive a Visitor's Pass. Parents are encouraged to visit our school particularly for special activities and events. If you would like to observe in a classroom, please make special arrangements with the classroom teacher or the principal. We ask that you always register upon entering the building for the safety and security of our students.
If you need to bring any items to your child, please leave them in the office in order to minimize classroom interruptions.