5th Grade Chorus

  • 5th Grade chorus is open to all fifth graders who enjoy singing and is directed by Mrs. Rebecca Reid. Rehearsals are on Tuesday Mornings in the Auditorium from 7:45AM - 8:25AM. In addition to morning rehearsals, small group sectionals occur during activity period once a week. 

    Mondays - Boys \ Tenors

    Tuesdays - Treble II

    Wednesday - Treble I

6th Grade Chorus

  • 6th Grade chorus is open to all sixth graders who enjoy singing and is directed by Mrs. Rebecca Reid. Rehearsals are on Friday Mornings in the Auditorium from 7:45AM - 8:25AM. In addition to morning rehearsals, small group sectionals occur during activity period once a week. 

    Mondays - Boys \ Tenors

    Tuesdays - Treble II

    Wednesday - Treble I

7/8 Chorus

  • 7/8 chorus is open to all seventh and eight graders who enjoy singing and is directed by Mrs. Rebecca Reid. Rehearsals are on Thursday Mornings in the Auditorium from 7:45AM - 8:25AM. In addition to morning rehearsals, small group sectionals occur during activity period once a week. 

    Wednesdays - Altos & Sopranos

    Thursdays - Tenors & Baritones

    Friday - Accompianists & Soloists


Valley Forge Singers

  • Valley Forge Singers is an auditioned group for seventh and eighth graders who enjoy singing and is directed by Mrs. Rebecca Reid. Rehearsals are on Wednesday Mornings in the Auditorium from 7:45AM - 8:25AM. In addition to morning rehearsals, small group sectionals occur during activity period once a week. 

    Mondays - Tenors & Baritones

    Tuesdays - Altos & Sopranos