Food and Nutrition Services
Our School Cafeteria operates under the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs. Menus are published and posted in the school and in The Falcon and on our website at https://www.tesd.net/Page/131 .
Our school uses a “point of sale” system in the cafeteria. This eliminates the need to carry cash each day and helps to alleviate lines at the cashier. This computerized debit system tracks studentsʼ meal and snack purchases and payments. Each student is assigned a PIN number to access his/her account. To add money in your childʼs account, please send cash or a check (made payable to TESD Caf Fund) in an envelope with your childʼs name and room number on it. If a check is returned, any service charge from the bank will be passed on to the parent.
Parents may put restrictions on their childʼs account. The system can block ala Carte purchases, can limit number of ala Carte purchases, or can permit ala Carte purchases on certain days of the week. The system can’t limit a la Carte purchases based on the number of times a week. Parents are strongly urged to sign up for School Café, detailed instruction can be found at https://www.tesd.net/Page/15624. Schoolcafe allows parents to view a childs purchases and offers low balance alerts customized to your liking. Parents may request a printout of their childʼs account by contacting the Food and Nutrition Services main office at 610-240-1956. Low balance and charge notices are emailed every Friday to the first email address listed in the District data base for all students with a balance of $10 or less.
When a student does not have money in their account for lunch he/she may charge lunch or breakfast. Please try to keep a positive balance in your child’s account, as this is a debit system, not a credit system. Charging is a privilege and should be used only on an occasional basis.
Information regarding free and reduced-price lunch applications is available at https://www.tesd.net/Page/132 , either in the school guidance office or the Food and Nutrition Services Office at 610-240-1956. Students approved for these meals use the same type of POS account as the other students to prevent any overt identification.
Both the lunch and breakfast programs operate under the “Offer vs Serve” option under which students may choose at least three of the five lunch components and three of the four breakfast components. Students are encouraged to take all components. Details about what is included with a meal can be found at https://www.tesd.net/Page/7498.
Breakfast is available daily from the time the buses arrive until students must report to their core class. The breakfast includes a 1/2 cup of fruit or juice, a total of 2 ounces of bread, cereal or meat/cheese, and a 1/2 pint of milk. Ala carte breakfast items are also available.
Offering breakfast is intended to provide the opportunity for a student to eat this important meal in case it was missed at home.
The cost of a student lunch is $3.50 for the 2022-2023 school year. The lunch includes 2 ounces of meat or meat alternate, 3/4 cup of a vegetable and ¾ cup of fruit, 1-2 ounces of bread or pasta and a 1/2 pint of milk. In addition to the published menu, students may substitute alternate entrees as outlined on the published menu.
The cafeteria offers skim, 2% white milk and low fat chocolate milk with lunch and breakfast as well as ala carte ($.85). Other snacks and ala carte items are offered, after the students have had time to eat their lunch. Some of the popular items are: Soft Pretzel-$1.00; Ice Cream and Fruit Juice Push-ups$1.25; a 1oz Whole Grain fresh baked Cookie-$.85; Bagged
Snacks $1.00; String Cheese- $1.25; 4oz Yogurt- $.1.25.
Any questions concerning the cafeteria may be directed to the cafeteria manager or the Supervisor of T/E Food and Nutrition Services (610-240-1955). If writing regarding concerns, please include your name and address so the response can be sent. The Cafeteria Staff looks forward to serving you and your children this school year!