Elementary Guidnce Program
The Guidance Counselor:
- Counsels students to assist them in developing a positive self-image; to help them grow in understanding themselves and others; to help them develop responsibility for their actions; to provide them with a continuous program of orientation and follow-up throughout their elementary experience.
- Consults with parents to offer information, ideas and support; to interpret test results; to direct parents to appropriate community resources.
- Coordinates with school administrators to develop curriculum; to provide support in dealing with problems of educational or social development; to maintain effective communication and cooperation between administration and guidance.
- Consults with faculty to discuss students' needs; to facilitate parent/teacher involvement; to provide materials for classroom activities. Confers with special services to coordinate early identification and diagnosis of learning difficulties; to coordinate services of support personnel, i.e. psychologist, instructional support teacher, speech therapist, resource teacher, challenge teacher, English as a Second Language teacher.
- Cooperates with community agencies to help people make better use of community resources.
The elementary guidance program is developmentally oriented. The program is structured to offer the kinds of services and experiences that will assist the child in the growth and development process.