• Home and School Communication
    Contacting Teachers
    Communication between home and school is an essential component of our school. Parents are encouraged to contact the teacher when they have a concern or a question. If a teacher receives a note or phone call that requires a response, teachers will make every effort to answer within 24 hours. All teachers have voice mail. We do not interrupt class time with phone calls, but teachers do check their voice mail daily and will respond to parent messages.

    Devon Elementary Website
    The TESD and Devon website are great resources for parents and community members to learn more about the various facets of our school such as grade level curriculum, PTO information, and upcoming events.
    Please take the opportunity to periodically visit our site: www.tesd.net.

    Email Guidelines for Parents
    A professional staff directory listing names and voicemail extensions can be found on the T/E website, www.tesd.net. If you choose to send an email message to a member of our professional staff, you may not get an immediate reply as staff members will determine how best to contact you: by email, phone, or to schedule a personal conference.

    When using email we ask that you follow these guidelines:

    Please do not send vital timely messages by this medium. Use the telephone to be sure your message is received and clearly understood. For example, do not use email to inform a teacher that your child is not to go home on the bus.

    Please do not share confidential information in an email message.

    E-mail is not the best way to fully discuss the details of a student’s academic progress or behavior. These topics are best addressed through a phone conversation or by scheduling a conference.

    Please keep all contacts professional. Do not forward jokes, amusing or special stories, chain letters or commercial solicitations.

    The Devon Dispatch is published bi-monthly by the Devon PTO. It is sent to all families via e-mail and is also available on the Devon website www.tesd.net. This newsletter contains information about upcoming events, community programs, and PTO sponsored events. The “Dispatch” contains information about current curriculum and program at each grade level as well. Please inform the school office if you cannot retrieve the Dispatch electronically and require a “hard paper copy” of it.

    Parents are encouraged to visit our school particularly for special activities and events. All visitors and volunteers must sign in with the lobby greeter when entering the building.  A Visitor Pass will be provided at the time of sign-in. This pass must be worn during the building visit and returned when the visitor leaves the building. Although it takes an extra minute to sign in, this procedure is an important safety measure in our school. When visiting a classroom or volunteering, we ask that parent-teacher conferences not be held so that our teachers can give their full attention to the children in their class. During the school year, members of the school district’s administrative staff may also visit classrooms.

    The school program is greatly enriched by the volunteer services of many parents. Volunteers play an important role in the quality of life in our school. The following guidelines have been developed to assist you in serving in this unique function. Offering to volunteer in our school assumes your understanding of these guidelines.

    • Confidentiality: Information you see or hear can affect the lives and future of individual students. Volunteers must respect the privacy of this information and maintain the same in strict confidence.
    • Attendance: School personnel depend upon and plan for the assistance of volunteers when scheduled. Volunteers are encouraged to notify the staff with whom they work as far in advance as possible if they are unable to help during their scheduled time.
    • Cell Phones: When volunteering, please silence your cell phones to prevent distractions.

    Please contact your child’s teacher or the PTO Volunteer Chairperson if you would like additional information about volunteering.


    * Notice Regarding Volunteer Clearance Requirements

    New amendments to the Child Protective Services Law (CPSL) enacted on July 1, 2015, state that school volunteers with regular and repeated contact with students and who are responsible for the care, supervision, guidance or control of children will need background clearances.  As of July 1, 2016, clearances must be received and processed by the School District prior to volunteering for activities requiring clearances. There is a wide variety of volunteer opportunities, some of which require clearances and some of which may not.  You can view the summary of opportunities on the District website at www.tesd.net/volunteers. Teachers and principals will work together to determine whether or not clearances are required as volunteers are called upon for each specific event.  For that reason, we recommend and encourage all parents get the clearances.  The three clearances required are the (1) PA Criminal Background Check, (2) PA Child Abuse Clearance, and (3) FBI (federal criminal background check).  Directions for completing these forms can be found at www.tesd.net/volunteers. There is no cost for the two PA clearances and the cost of the FBI check is $27.  If you have lived in PA for the entirety of the previous ten years, you may submit an affidavit form in lieu of the FBI check.  The affidavit form, which must be signed and witnessed, is also available on the District website.  All clearance forms should be sent to the TESD Human Resources Office, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1700, Wayne, PA 19087.  They may also be emailed to volunteerclearances@tesd.net. Renewal of clearances will be required every five (5) years. 


    Dropping Off Materials for Students
    Materials that need to be dropped off for students should be left at the lobby desk and will be delivered to or picked up by students. We value instructional time and ask that parents and visitors respect our teachers’ need to focus on the children in their classroom without interruption.

    Cell Phones and Electronic Devices

    Except where the use of electronic devices has been prohibited by law, students may possess electronic devices within all of the buildings owned by the District, on school grounds, in school vehicles and/or while participating in school-sponsored activities on or off school premises. The administration shall have the right to regulate the use and possession of all electronic devices. In addition to limitations on use and possession imposed by the school administration, possession of electronic devices is subject to the following restrictions:


    ·       Students may not use electronic devices to conduct any activities which violate state and/or federal law, Board Policy, District Administrative Regulations or school rules.

    ·       Students may not use electronic devices in any manner which interferes with, or is disruptive to, educational or extracurricular activities or events.

    ·       Students may not use electronic devices or have them readily accessible when they are in restrooms or other areas where individuals would have a similar expectation of privacy.


    Notwithstanding the rules set forth above, electronic devices may be



    ·       At any time to respond to or report an emergency situation; and

    ·       When and as required pursuant to a student’s Individualized Education Program or Section 504 Service Agreement.


    Violations of this Policy may result in disciplinary action, including

    suspension and/or expulsion.


    At the elementary level we recommend that students do not bring electronic devices to school. In unusual circumstances when a student’s family feels the need to have their child bring an electronic device (i.e. cell phone), the device must be turned off during the school day so that it does not cause any disruption to the education program. Individual teacher discretion is used to plan for the use of electronic devices. If families choose to send an electronic device, the school cannot be responsible for missing or damaged items.


    Electronic Communication Between Employees and Students (TESD Policy 4344)

    All electronic communications conducted by an employee with a student must relate to educational or extra-curricular programs or activities.

    School District Policies
    All policies and regulations for the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District are available on the district website at www.tesd.net.