• Code of Conduct

    • The development and maintenance of self-discipline is an integral aspect of learning.
    • Each professional staff member, as a part of the normal teacher-learning process, shall develop and emphasize self-disciplinary procedures with students.
    • Each staff member is responsible for contributing to the maintenance of these standards of behavior which are conducive to learning not only in the classroom but in corridors, the cafeteria and throughout the school site.
    (From TE District Regulation 5401)

    The goal of each elementary school in the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District is to provide the highest quality of educational programs for our students. The cornerstone of school discipline lies in the development of responsible behavior in each child. All five schools utilize the Batsche “Pro Social Skills” model which emphasizes the responsibility of students to make proper choices for their behavior. When a choice is made, a student must reflect and evaluate it with an awareness of direct consequences. To facilitate these skills, guidelines are established which are consistent at all grade levels. All school staff members are trained to employ this model if and when a confrontation occurs.

    Student behavior on buses, in hallways, cafeteria and recess areas is expected to comply with established guidelines. In addition, rules for behavior are in effect at school sponsored events during or after school hours, on or off the building premises.

    We believe that a climate conducive to learning is established through the consistent application of disciplinary guidelines, staff expectations and parent support. The Elementary School Code of Conduct reflects a strong sense of community and partnership exemplified through the responsible behavior and academic excellence of our elementary students.

    Pro-Social Skills Overview

    The Pro-Social Skills Program includes a five-step system that provides language to help children control impulses and make constructive choices. The following is a list of the five steps and the rationale for each.

    Teachers say “Stop and think” to students behaving inappropriately. This message interrupts negative and impulsive behaviors. This prompt also aids self-control as students internalize and apply it themselves. For adults, “Stop and think” is calm, rational, consistent response to challenging behaviors. It serves as an alternative to emotional responses such as yelling or being drawn into arguments with children.

    Teachers ask, “Are you going to make a good choice or bad choice?” This question places responsibility for decisions squarely upon children. Power struggles and win or lose situations that are generated by child defiance are defused. It is made clear that consequences are derived from choices made by children.

    Implementation of this part of the sequence varies according to need. Some children are helped to explore alternative choices. In other cases, children are taught social skills essential for school and interpersonal success. These steps are concrete and specific. For example, steps for ignoring are Break (the gaze), Turn (your body), and Move (out of the area). These steps are verbalized to reinforce the controlling capacity of language.

    4. JUST DO IT!
    Teachers say, “Just do it!” This message is intended to activate children and eliminate excessive verbiage regarding events and behavioral expectations.

    5. HOW DID I DO?
    This step is used for self-monitoring and self-evaluation. Children reflect upon the results of their choices and consider behavioral alternatives when needed.

    Based on the work of Dr. George Batsche; Adapted by Jerry McMullen, Ph.D.


    All five schools hold discipline expectations for students, which are consistent among all staff members regardless of the location or grade level in the building. A primary goal of the school is to nurture the concept of self-discipline and respect for others. The following guidelines are to be reviewed by students and their parents annually at the beginning of school and referenced frequently throughout the year:

    1. Students should always walk when traveling to and from classes.
    2. Quiet voices are to be used.
    3. Students must keep their hands to themselves.
    4. Students are not to linger in bathrooms.

    1. Students should be considerate of those working and wait their turn to speak.
    2. The office telephones are not to be used unless it is an emergency.

    1. Students should enter and exit quietly.
    2. Students should remain seated unless following routines of trash disposal, snack or bathroom use.
    3. Students shall demonstrate appropriate table manners.
    4. Nothing should ever be thrown in the cafeteria.
    5. Running is not permitted at any time.
    6. Students should respect others’ space.
    7. When finished eating, students should leave the area clean.
    8. Students should not lend or borrow money from each other.
    9. Students must be silent for announcements and follow directions of the cafeteria monitor.

    While each grade level constructs specific rules for recess behavior, the following are common in all schools:
    1. Students must play safely only in designated areas and remain within playground boundaries.
    2. Fighting or games involving body contact are not permitted at any time.
    3. Students should use equipment and supplies in a safe and appropriate manner.
    4. Any serious problem involving equipment or injury should be reported to the teacher on duty immediately.
    5. Students may not play on ice or throw snowballs.
    6. When hearing the bell, students should line up quickly and quietly.
    7. A request not to participate in outdoor recess due to health reasons requires a note from a parent for one day or from a physician for an extended amount of time.

    1. Students must remain in the classroom unless given permission by the teacher on duty to leave the room.
    2. Activities and equipment should be appropriate for an indoor setting and approved by each grade level team.

    1. The same conduct that is expected in the classroom should be observed on the bus.
    2. Students should walk on and off the bus.
    3. Quiet voices should be used.
    4. Students must remain seated and keep their hands to themselves. Head, hands, and feet must be kept inside the bus.
    5. Students should not eat or drink while riding the bus. Nothing is to be thrown out of windows.
    6. No profane language is permitted at any time. The bus should be kept clean and students should not tamper with any equipment.
    7. Students should ride only on the assigned bus and disembark at the assigned stop unless given prior approval through the principal’s office.

    Student Conduct on Buses (TESD Policy 5413)

    No student shall be permitted to engage in conduct that could endanger that student’s safety or the safety of others. Discipline will be imposed as the situation warrants.

    Video Monitoring in Schools and on School Buses (TESD Policy 8070)

    In order to provide a safe environment for students, school personnel, and contracted personnel, schools may be equipped with video monitoring devices in public areas such as hallways and classrooms, and school buses may be equipped with video recording devices that provide video surveillance of passengers. Students and, when applicable, school bus passengers will be notified as to the presence and possible activation of any video recording devices.

    Student Discipline (TESD Policy 5401)

    In order to maintain a safe school climate that encourages learning for all students, teachers and administrators shall respond to actions or situations that disrupt this learning process. Discipline measures may include warnings, detentions, suspensions, expulsions or other appropriate responses to the circumstances.

    Offenses that are considered to be of an extremely serious nature, including but not limited to the following, may result in either suspension or expulsion:

    1. Inappropriate physical contact, verbal threats or attacks, bullying or fighting on school grounds, in school vehicles and/or while participating in school-sponsored activities on or off school premises.

    2. The use of, distribution of or possession of, any substance subject to Policy 5405. Aiding and abetting any of the above shall be treated in the same way.

    3. Carrying of any item which could be considered a weapon or which is dangerous in nature in accordance with StateLaw

    4. Consistent lateness to or cutting of class or detentions

    5. Willful destruction or defacing of school property

    6. Chronic infraction of building rules