Hillside Elementary School offers an intramural after-school program for second, third and fourth grade students. The program is conducted one day a week for each grade level. 

    Students participating in the after school sports, must have written parental permission and must have school insurance or an insurance waiver form signed by his/her parent.
    Parents are responsible for providing transportation home from the after school sports program. Students should be picked up promptly.

    If after school sports is canceled during the school day, parents should have a contingency plan set up so that the child will know what to do after school. It is not possible for all students to call home.

    The emphasis of the program is placed on providing activities to complement and supplement the regular physical education program for all children who desire to participate. The activities provide opportunities for the children which involve physical action, social interaction, and pleasure. Cooperative attitudes and sportsmanship are encouraged throughout the activities.