The following are the suggested school supplies for the 2023-2024 school year.


    Pencil Box, Plastic, 8.25" x 5.25" x 2"

    Scissors, 5", Blunt Tip

    Headphone, Digital, stereo with ear cushion

    Crayons, Tuck Box, 24/Box (2 boxes)

    Glue Stick, Washable (6)

    Sharpened #2 Pencils (1 dozen)

    Markers, Washable, 8/set

    *Mail Folder provided by NEES PTO


    First Grade

    Headphone, Digital, stereo with ear cushion

    Sharpened #2 Pencils (2 dozen)

    Scissors, 5", Blunt Tip

    Glue Stick, Washable (2)

    Crayons, Tuck Box, 24/Box (1 box)

    Eraser, Pink, Large, Latex Free (2)

    Pencil Box, Plastic, 8.25" x 5.25" x 2"

    Folders, 2 Pocket (4) – blue, red, green, yellow

    Facial Tissues (1 box)

    OPTIONAL: Washable markers / colored pencils

    *Student Planner & Homework Folder provided by NEES PTO


    Second Grade

    Composition Book, Marble Cover, WR, 100 Sheets, Black (1)

    Ear buds or headphones

    Sharpie Marker, Fine Point, Black (1)

    Highlighter, Yellow (2)

    Crayons, Tuck Box, 24/Box (1 box)

    Markers, Washable, 8/set

    Glue Stick, Washable (3)

    Sharpened #2 Pencils (1 dozen)

    Pencil sharpener

    Folders, 2 Pocket, (5) – blue, red, green, yellow, purple

    Facial Tissues (1 box)

    Pencil Box, Plastic, 8.25" x 5.25" x 2"

    Scissors, 5", Blunt Tip

    Dry erase markers, black (4)

    *Student Planner & Homework Folder provided by NEES PTO


    Third Grade

    Sharpie Marker, Ultra Fine Point, Black (2)

    Pencil Box, Plastic, 8.25" x 5.25" x 2"

    Sharpened #2 Pencils (2 dozen)

    Folders, 2 Pocket, (6) – blue, red, green, yellow, purple, black

    Eraser, Pink, Large, Latex Free (2)

    Crayons, Tuck Box, 24/Box (1 box)

    Colored Pencils, 7", Sharpened, 12/Set

    Glue Stick, Washable (4)

    Elmer's Glue, Washable, 4 oz., White (1)

    Facial Tissues (1 box)

    Scissors, 5", Blunt Tip

    Composition Book, Marble Cover, WR, 100 Sheets, Black (4)

    Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach Free (1 pack)

    Highlighter, yellow (2)

    Headphone, Digital, stereo with ear cushion

    *Student Planner & Homework Folder provided by NEES PTO


    Fourth Grade

    Paper Mate Flairs, Felt Tip, Fine Point – 4 in total (Black, Blue, Green, Red)

    Folders, 2 Pocket, (8) – blue, red, green, yellow, orange, purple, black, 1 folder of your choice

    Filler Paper, Wide Rule, 10.5" x 8", 100/Pk (2 packs)

    Composition Book, Marble Cover, WR, 100 Sheets, Black (3)

    Pencil Box, Plastic, 8.25" x 5.25" x 2"

    Ruler, 12" (1)

    Protractor (1)

    Sharpened #2 Pencils (2 dozen)

    Eraser, Pink, Large, Latex Free (2)

    Headphone, Digital, stereo with ear cushion

    Highlighter, Chisel Tip, Yellow (1)

    Erasable pens, Blue (2) & Black (2)

    Markers, Washable, 8/set

    Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach Free (1 pack)

    Glue Stick, Washable (1)

    Dry erase markers, black (2)

    Eraser, Dry Erase (1)

    Scissors, 5", Blunt Tip

    Facial Tissues (2 boxes)

    Crayons, 24 Count 1 Bx

    Colored Pencils, 7", Sharpened, 12/Set

    *Student Planner & Homework Folder provided by NEES PTO


    Be sure to write the child’s name on all supplies, clothing and lunch boxes and book bags.