Challenge is an enrichment program for mentally gifted students in second, third and fourth grades. Mentally gifted students are defined as having outstanding intellectual and creative ability which requires support services.
Elementary Challenge students meet in small groups for approximately 120 minutes per 6 day cycle. The elementary Challenge program is built around themes with a focus on Higher Level Thinking Skills, Creative Process, Decision Making/Problem Solving Ability, Group Process Skills, Self-Concept Development, Advanced Communication Techniques, and Vocational/Avocational Interests.
It is a process not product oriented curriculum. Potentially qualified students are identified through a screening initiated by teachers, counselors, and/or parents at the building level.
A multiple criteria evaluation process, including an individualized test of intellectual ability, classroom performance information, curriculum-based assessment results, and parent input, is used for identifying the Gifted Student. Parents of qualified students meet with the Challenge teacher to review a Gifted Individual Education Plan (GIEP).
The GIEP describes the annual goals for the child.