What is PAL?
PAL stands for Personal Achievement in Learning. It does NOT stand for a Parent’s Achievement in Learning. PAL provides 4th graders the opportunity to use their skills in self-directed learning.
In the middle schools, PAL is called an SDL, which stands for self-directed learning.
Is PAL a report?
No! PAL is about learning how to learn on your own. It is NOT a unit on writing reports. The display is supposed to show what was learned through this process.
What can I do my PAL Process on?
This is pretty much up to you, but it must be appropriate for school and science related.
Tip #1 Pick something YOU want to do. If you are not interested in your topic, then you probably will not give it your best effort.
Tip #2 AVOID topics that you already know a lot about. Choose something new and exciting.
What should the students do?
The Golden Rule of PAL:
“If I can do it, then I should do it.”
Parents or guardians should only help if the student is unable to do something.
What is the role of the parent(s)?
Parents can be helpers, but you must complete the project on your own. PAL is a PERSONAL Achievement in Learning, NOT a Parent’s Achievement in Learning!
Where can I get information?
During The Pickle Research Project we learned how to use dictionaries, atlases, encyclopedias, almanacs, the computerized library card catalog, books, and a variety of other resources. Some other places students use to find information:
Library (books, encyclopedias, almanacs, etc), mini- field trips (aquarium, stores, museums, factories, etc.), phone interviews, ask an expert(s), letters/email, internet, Power Library, interviews, etc…
Can we copy straight out of books and the Internet?
PAL is a PERSONAL Achievement In Learning. Someone else’s work is NOT your own! It is their PAL. Copying is also against the law. It is called PLAGIARISM!
What do students regret the most when they look back on their PAL?
1. Many wished they had tried harder.
Most students realized they did a great job, but knew they could have done even better or used their time more wisely.
2. Choosing the “wrong” topic. Many people take student ideas from the previous year. Be ORIGINAL!
3. Avoid topics you already know a lot about.