• March 13, 2020

    Dear T/E Staff and Families,

    Today, Governor Wolf extended K-12 school closures to the entire state.  Therefore, T/E schools will remain closed and all school-related activities are suspended through at least March 27.  Only essential personnel will be permitted in the schools.

    Distance Learning Days 

    We still plan to use Monday, March 16 as a virtual inservice day to allow staff members to prepare options for distance learning.  We will be ready to open these opportunities on Wednesday, March 18.  We will share additional details with families at the conclusion of Monday’s inservice day.  There will be no school on Tuesday, March 17, which will be categorized as an emergency closing day, similar to a snow day.

    Student Medication

    If a student has medication stored at school that will be needed during the closure, families should email the building principal and school nurse Barbara Kupp at KuppB@tesd.net no later than 8AM Monday, March 16, and arrangements will be made for a pickup.

    Helping Families in Need

    A clear strength of our community has been demonstrated by the large number of individuals and groups who have asked how they can help their neighbors in need.

    First, our Food Services Department is working on a plan for breakfast and lunch delivery to students participating in the free and reduced price meal program. This will begin early next week. Families involved will be contacted by the Food Services Department. 

    Second, we understand that families who are not participating in the free and reduced price meal plan may still experience food scarcity or other needs.  If your family is in need of support, or if you are interested in contributing to families in need, you may confidentially contact Dr. Oscar Torres at TorresO@tesd.net or Mrs. Jeanne Braun at BraunJ@tesd.net.  You may also consider making a contribution to T&E Care by visiting the website www.tecare.org.

    Crisis Support

    It is expected that our children may have questions about COVID-19.  The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has published a guide for talking with children about this. Times of crisis can elicit a wide range of emotions and behaviors in children and ourselves. It is important that we take care of our physical and mental health while caring for others. If you or someone you know is experiencing emotional distress, a 24-hour crisis textline is available by texting “start” to 741741. In the event that an individual is in need of urgent mental health services, Valley Creek Crisis is available 24 hours a day at 610-918-2100. As with any other emergency, you can also call 911.

    COVID-19 Information

    If you have concerns about yourself or a member of the TESD community being exposed to COVID-19, please contact your primary healthcare provider. Additionally, the Chester County Health Department has a self-reporting online tool available on their webpage.  We have also created a District email account, HealthInfo@tesd.net, to share questions, comments, or concerns about COVID-19 as it relates to the District.

    As always, I thank you for your ongoing patience, flexibility, and support. 


    Dr. Richard Gusick
    Superintendent of Schools