• Equity Initiative

    TESD Equity Guiding Principles

    We believe . . . all people are worthy of human dignity and respect. Every person’s authentic identity should be valued. Together, through listening, collaboration, and understanding, we can identify and eliminate barriers to racial equity. Thus, it is the role and responsibility of the entire Tredyffrin/Easttown School District, at every level, to dismantle and abolish any structure or system that unjustly discriminates against fellow members of our community.

    Therefore we commit to . . .

    Recruit, hire, and support the development of a racially and culturally diverse faculty, administration, and staff

    Practice inclusive, culturally responsive, and anti-racist curriculum and instruction at all grade levels

    Develop and sustain anti-racist leadership among students, faculty, staff, administrators, and parents

    Ensure disciplinary measures taken at all levels reflect racial equity and nondiscrimination

    Eliminate systemic barriers that result in racial disparities in standardized testing, academic outcomes, and co-curricular participation at all levels

    Systematically review and revise District policies and regulations that have a negative and disproportionate impact on students, staff, faculty, administrators, and community members of color

    Improve communication and foster community involvement related to District racial equity initiatives

    Engage stakeholders in racial equity work by establishing and sustaining authentic relationships and creating inclusive opportunities to share multiple perspectives


    Since 2018, the T/E School District has been working with the Pacific Educational Group (PEG) to develop and implement racial equity measures in our school community. Our goal is foundational and transformative change. As we seek to address this initiative, our work involves intensive training, beginning fully and systemically with school leaders, and eventually reaching through our schools and students over a sustained period of time.

    Several groups have been created to advance this work:

    • The District Equity Leadership Team (DELT) consists of a combination of central office leadership and District staff members to ensure multiple perspectives and racial experiences can be present for the training. This group has participated in 8 full days of training since fall 2018.

    • A LEADership for Racial Equity, or LEADS, team consisting of central leadership and building principals has met for 6 full days.

    • Following the LEADS work, each principal has established an equity team at the building level. These teams were trained this spring and are in place to carry forth building-specific equity work.

    • A team of affiliates, teachers and administrators who undergo deep training to facilitate sustained equity work in the schools, has received over 100 hours of training.

    • Over 160 faculty, support staff, administrators and school board members have received a 2-day Beyond Diversity training to introduce the key pillars of equity work and protocols to facilitate courageous conversations on race.

    • At CHS, a group called SOAR, or Students Organized for Anti-Racism, was established in spring 2019. This organization consists of students of many racial backgrounds who are engaging with the work at the student level. There have been 5 training sessions for this group.

    Shorter term outcomes we are looking to implement are:

    • The development and implementation of building and district goals to target specific equity needs.

    • The involvement of parents and other community members in the work.

    Please visit the links on the left side of the page for additional information and continue to check back for updates as our work continues throughout the school year.