• Legislators and State Board of Education

    Please see the information below if you would like to contact your local legislators or the State Board of Education, the regulatory body for education in Pennsylvania, to give your opinion on current education issues.

    State Board of Education               
    333 Market Street                         
    Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333            
    (717) 787-3787                                   

    Governor Josh Shapiro (D) 
    508 Main Capitol Building 
    Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 
    (717) 787-2500  

  • Township

    PA Senate

    PA House of Representatives


    District 19   

    District 157   


    Senator Carolyn Comitta (D)

    • West Chester
      17 E Gay Street, Suite 301
      West Chester, PA 19380
      P: 610-692-2112
      F: 610-436-1721
    • Harrisburg
      457 Main Capitol Building
      Senate Box 203019
      Harrisburg, PA 17120-3019
      P: 717-787-5709
      F: 717-787-4384


    Hon. Melissa L. Shusterman (D)

    • Paoli Office
      1536 E. Lancaster Ave, Suite 200
      Paoli, PA 19301-1504
      P: 484-200-8260
      F: 484-200-8272
    • Harrisburg Office
      114 Irvis Office Building
      PO Box 202157
      Harrisburg, PA 17120
      P: 717-787-7524
      F: 717-772-3074




    U.S Senate

    U.S House of Representatives


    Senator John Fetterman (D)

    • Philadelphia
      200 Chestnut Street, Suite 600
      Philadelphia, PA 19106
    • Harrisburg
      320 Market Street, Suite 475E
      Harrisburg, PA 17101
    • Washington D.C
      142 Russell Senate Office Building
      Washington, D.C. 20510



    Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D)

    • West Chester
      709 E. Gay Street, Suite 4
      West Chester, PA 19380
    • Reading
      201 Penn Street, Suite 201
      Reading, PA 19601
    • Washington, D.C.
      1727 Longworth HOB
      Washington, DC 20515




    Senator Dave McCormick (R)

    • Philadelphia
      2000 Market Street, Suite 610
      Philadelphia, PA 19103
      P: 215-405-9660
    • Harrisburg
      200 North Third Street, Suite 14A/14th Floor
      Harrisburg, PA 17101
      P: 717-231-7540
    • Washington, DC
      SD-B40C Dirksen Senate Office Building
      Washington, DC 20510
      P: 202-224-6324
