• Clearance Renewals for Current TESD Staff Members

    Clearance Requirements

    Act 15 of 2015 requires the regular renewal of employment clearances every 60 months (5 years) from the issue date of each of your clearance.  The following information is being provided to you as a helpful reminder about your responsibility to obtain and submit renewed employment clearances. 

    We are happy to report that information about your clearance due dates is now available through the District website within the Employee Access Center (EAC). To access this site, click here: https://eac.tesd.net. You may also access this site after signing onto the District website and clicking on “Human Resources” and “Current Employees”.  If you have questions about the clearance information posted on the EAC, contact Barb Rossino at RossinoB@tesd.net or Julia Falasco at FalascoJ@tesd.net.
    The cost for obtaining the Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance is $13.00.  The cost for obtaining the Pennsylvania State Police Clearance is $22. The cost for the federal FBI Clearance is currently $26.20 (fees are subject to change without notice so please verify the fee at the time of application).   The process for obtaining employment clearances is summarized below. For additional information, click here: https://www.tesd.net/Page/212.

    Steps for obtaining FBI Clearance

    1. Register online at https://uenroll.identogo.com/.  Detailed instructions are listed here.
    2. Enter the following Service Code:  1KG6XN  (for employment Pennsylvania PDE-School Districts).
    3. Choose your fingerprint site and schedule your appointment.
    4. An email will be sent to confirm your appointment. 
    5. After being fingerprinted, either mail/email a copy of the Applicant Registration ID form (UEID #) to Human Resources or send a copy of the unofficial clearance you receive in the mail to Human Resources.

    Steps for Obtaining State Criminal Record Check
    1. Register online at https://epatch.pa.gov, and click “Submit a New Record Check”. You will immediately receive a response of “No record” or “Request under review”.
    2. Click on “Control number”.
    3. Click on and print “Certification Form”.
    4. Mail/email a copy to Human Resources.

    Steps for Obtaining Child Abuse History Clearance
    *It has been reported that using Chrome can be a problem.  Please choose another browser.
    1. Gather information about your former addresses and anyone with whom you may have lived.
    2. Register online at http://www.compass.state.pa.us/CWIS. You will receive an email containing your temporary password.
    3. Log back onto the website with your temporary password and follow the prompts.
    4. You will receive an email when your clearance is available on the website for printing.
    5. Mail/email a copy of the clearance to Human Resources. 

    Please know that we are here to help. If you would like assistance in obtaining your clearances, please contact Human Resources - Barb Rossino at extension 19526 or RossinoB@tesd.net or Julia Falasco at extension 19527 FalascoJ@tesd.net. Individuals who fail to submit the required clearance information within the specified timeframe may be prohibited from reporting to work until all clearance requirements have been met.