• Have You  Filled A Bucket Today?

    A bucket represents a person’s mental and emotional health or self-concept. Many children have empty buckets through no fault of their own. Young children are dependent on others to fill their buckets. Your positive, caring, encouraging words and actions fill buckets. Any time our buckets are empty or dipped into, there is an automatic reflex to dip and take it out on others or ourselves. That’s why it is so important that we keep everyone’s bucket full.


    Remember … everyone carries an invisible bucket.

    What little thing can you say or do to fill someone’s bucket today?


    Copyright 2009 – Bucket Fillers, Inc., P.O. Box 255, Brighton, MI 48116, 810 229-5468 www.bucketfillers101.com

    The Bucket-Filling school program has several

    1. To teach children how to reach out and express love, respect and appreciation to others

    2. To help children become other-centered rather than self-centered

    3. To help children express their feelings (good and bad) in a healthy manner

    4. To help children understand where feelings originate and how to protect their feelings from being hurt

    5. To establish a framework for more constructive words and actions and less bullying

    6. To create more positive home and school environments



    Bucket Filling (showing caring and respect for others)

    Bucket Dipping (bullying)


    Be sure to ask your child about their bucket and all the great things going into the buckets of their classmates!!
    Check out the Bucket Fillers website for more great information!! You can subscribe to their newsletter there, and get more information about their school programs too!
     courtesy of Mrs. Walker's Frog-Tastic website