• TESD Mental Health Resources (click link)

     The TESD Mental Health Resources link will take you to the district webpage with numerous links to mental health supports and topics.


    Home & School Safety for Kids

    Teaching our children about proper safety in all aspects is an important part of their education and will benefit them in the future. Children, tweens, and teens need to understand the importance and seriousness of personal safety and how to avoid dangerous situations or unnecessary accidents at home and in school. The following is a collection of resources and material that can be used in the classroom to teach students about safety in many different areas within their home or school.

    Love and Logic
    Love and Logic
    Jim Fay - Love and Logic --dealing with issues such as parenting, discipline, logical consequences, raising responsible children, etc. 
    Anxiety Information

    This website provides comprehensive and user friendly information on multiple anxiety disorders as well as causes, treatments, and types. This website provides tools to use within the home and school contexts, and offers suggestions for consulting with mental health professionals.

    Anxiety Disorders

    KidsHealth is the #1 most-visited website for children's health and development. This website also has a teen health section and more specifically stories on teens dealing with anxiety. Talks about flight or fight response and gives tips on how to deal with anxiety.

    Learning Disabilities

    Learn more about learning disabilities and ADHD

    A-Z Disorders Guide

    An A-Z guide of common childhood disorders

    Parenting Tips

    This site offers many articles on a variety of subjects such as overcoming school phobia, bullying, shyness, and a host of other topics for you to choose. Click on the link to access a website article. 

    Positive Parenting

    Click on the link below to access information and articles on positive strategies to use with children. 

    Temper Tantrums: Guidelines for Parents

    This websites provides the user with a good description of a temper tantrum. It goes through what can cause a child to have a temper tantrum, what the characteristics of a temper tantrum are, and what is developmentally appropriate for how a child expresses their emotions for different age ranges. This website also provides parents and teachers with prevention tips, intervention tips, and what to do after a tantrum. It mentions when it is necessary for a parent to seek help from their pediatrician or if necessary a mental health technician. It also provides some good resources, including books for both the child and the parent and an additional website.

    Parent Smart

    This search engine will help parents locate information on a variety of topics simply by typing in key words.

    Bullying Awareness

    Click to see a useful website for students, teachers and parents with information on bullying.

    Stop Bullying Now

    This is a comprehensive bullying prevention site which provides information and resources for parents and teachers to educate them on bullying and ways to support our children who bully or have been bullied.

    Kids Against Bullying

    This website for kids gives information and games to learn about bullying, how to stop it, contests to submit artwork, poetry or stories about their experiences with bullying. It has a place for kids to submit questions about their bullying incidents and to learn tips for stopping or preventing bullying. It also includes a pledge kids can take to stand up against bullying and print a certificate to remind them. It is run by the National Center for Bullying Prevention.

    Internet Safety

    This site provides parents and kids with information and tips to keep them safe when surfing on the web.

    Talking with kids about tough issues

    This is a great site for parents of elementary students. It offers great tips for discussing tough issues such as: drugs, alcohol, violence, and sex. It is a bi-lingual site. 

    Encouraging a Healthy Body Image

    Kids Health is a website that holds a great wealth of information about key issues such as body image. The site has a “For Kids”, “For Teens”, and a “For Parents” section and this particular page is a resource for parents on how to understand and help foster healthy body image in their children

    Teaching Tolerance

    This link takes you to the homepage of a website designed by the Southern Poverty Law Center to reduce prejudice and promote acceptance and equality in schools. There are many great articles and free educational materials relating to tolerance and diversity in general, but searching the term "bullying" provides links to guidelines for teachers to prevent bullying, bullying lessons plans for all age groups (including printouts), and descriptions of excellent books that can be used as resources for parents and school staff