Student Enrollment
TESD Closes on Property at 1200 West Swedesford Road in Berwyn
The property was purchased for the purpose of building a sixth elementary school.
On April 2, 2024, TESD became the owner of a 15-acre property located at 1200 West Swedesford Road in Berwyn. As many of you may have learned through our recent communications, the District has purchased this property for the purpose of building a sixth elementary school. The projected opening date for the new elementary school is fall 2027.
The discussion about adding a sixth elementary school has been ongoing for the past several years and has included multiple public presentations about student enrollment, space utilization, programming needs, and transitioning to full-day kindergarten. After considering the advantages, limitations, and cost considerations of District-owned properties as well as other properties within TESD, the District decided that the property at 1200 West Swedesford Road would be the best option for a future K-4 elementary school. The agreement of sale on the property was initially approved by the School Board at its January 17, 2024 meeting and included a 60-day due diligence period, which allowed TESD to inspect the existing building and site. All public presentations and background information related to the proposed sixth elementary school can be found at www.tesd.net/enrollment.
The office building presently located on the 1200 West Swedesford Road property is currently being leased. As part of the agreement of sale, some tenants will continue to use the building to conduct business into the summer months. After the building is vacated, we plan to invite the community to an event on the property to share further design concept drawings for the new school.
For the next three years, TESD staff will be working diligently with the School Board and community to prepare for the successful launch of the new school. Throughout the public presentation process many questions have arisen about the impact of a sixth elementary school, including but not limited to the following:- Continuing the design and construction of the school while maximizing the existing site
- Financing the project
- Redistricting school attendance areas for all elementary and middle schools
- Implementing full-day kindergarten
- Developing safety plans for the new school
- Modifying bus routes
- Adjusting the elementary class schedule to address new state standards
- Staffing the building
Now that the property has been acquired, more detailed information and timelines to address these topics will be shared with the community during public meetings in the coming months. Throughout this process, TESD remains committed to open communication and ongoing collaboration with families, staff and community members.
The decision to move forward with a sixth elementary school results from TESD’s commitment to providing the best possible educational experience for all District students and families. Once the school building is open, we will have the space to provide full-day kindergarten, accommodate our high elementary student enrollment, and address expanding programming needs for all students. By adapting an existing building to an elementary school, the District is also promoting sustainability within our community. None of this would be possible without the ongoing generosity of the community and its enduring commitment to TESD families.
School Board Holds Special Meeting on March 13, 2024 to Provide Update on Property Acquisition
The School Board held a special meeting on March 13, 2024 at Conestoga High School to discuss the possible elementary school site at 1200 West Swedesford Road in Berwyn. The District and its consultants reported on the status of the property acquisition and provided the public with an update on what has been learned so far during the due diligence period.
Click here for a video recording of the special meeting.
Click here for the presentation slides from the special meeting.
School Board Hosts Special Meeting to Discuss Elementary School Site
On January 17, 2024, the T/E School Board held a special meeting to discuss the prospect of a sixth elementary school. Board members were available prior to the meeting for coffee and conversation about elementary school sites and the impact on our community. A video of the meeting presentation and the presentation slides are available on the TESD website.
Over 65 community members attended the special meeting to view site plans and learn about student enrollment, facilities needs, and transitioning to full-day kindergarten. The presentation also included information on site considerations and financial details. For the past several years, TESD has been evaluating sites for a possible sixth elementary school, including properties currently owned by the District on Jefferson Lane in Chesterbrook and on First Avenue in Berwyn. The District also conducted an adaptive use evaluation on properties with existing buildings that could be adapted to accommodate an elementary school. After considering the advantages, limitations, and cost considerations of District-owned properties as well as 18 properties with existing buildings, the District decided that a property at 1200 West Swedesford Road in Berwyn could lend itself well to future use as an elementary school.
At its January 2, 2024 regular meeting, the T/E School Board authorized the District to enter into an Agreement of Sale for a property at 1200 West Swedesford Road for $15.95 million. Adapting an existing building to an elementary school provides a solution that is environmentally-friendly, preserves open space on District-owned land, and potentially shortens the project timeline compared to construction of a new building. The agreement includes a period of 60 days to conduct a full due diligence investigation of the property to confirm that it is usable as an elementary school.
All members of the TESD community are encouraged to stay engaged in the discussion of a new elementary school. Community members who wish to share feedback may send an email to schoolboard@tesd.net.
_______________T/E School Board Authorizes District to Enter into Agreement of Sale on Property for Possible Sixth Elementary School at January 2, 2024 Regular Meeting
At its January 2, 2024 regular meeting, the T/E School Board authorized the District to enter into an Agreement of Sale for a property at 1200 West Swedesford Road in Berwyn. This 15-acre property currently contains an approximately 80,000 square foot office building that could lend itself well to future use as an elementary school. The Agreement of Sale will provide the District with a period of 60 days to conduct a full due diligence investigation of the property to confirm that it is usable as an elementary school.
TESD has been evaluating the need for a sixth elementary school for the past several years. At the same time, the District has been evaluating possible school sites should the decision be made to open an additional elementary school. This includes properties currently owned by the District as well as possibilities for acquisition. The discussion about adding a sixth elementary school has included many public presentations about student enrollment, space utilization, programming needs, and transitioning to full-day kindergarten. Additional information has been shared about the advantages, limitations, and cost considerations related to using current District properties as sites for the future school. These presentations and data can be found at www.tesd.net/enrollment.
The District will hold a Special School Board Meeting to discuss the new school on January 17, 2024 at 7:30 PM at Conestoga High School. At 7PM prior to the meeting, Board members will be available in the lobby for coffee and conversation. All members of the community are invited to learn more about the current utilization of District facilities, the prospect of a new elementary school and the impact on our school community. There will also be opportunities for public comment during the meeting.
TESD values input by the public and encourages community members to share feedback related to a sixth elementary school by sending an email to schoolboard@tesd.net.----------------
September 26, 2023 Status Update on Elementary Enrollment & Facilities Utilization
At the September 26, 2023 Regular School Board meeting, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Richard Gusick presented a status update on the District's elementary enrollment and the impact on school facilities. In addition to a review of prior enrollment and facilities information, drivers for a sixth elementary school, drivers for full-day kindergarten and possible school sites, new discussion topics were presented including:- Kindergarten in Surrounding School Districts
- Other Emerging Full-Day Kindergarten Factors
- Alternative Plan to Building a Sixth Elementary School
- Corporate Center Renovation Considerations
Click here for the September 26, 2023 presentation slides.
Click here for a video of the September 26, 2023 presentation.
Comments and feedback about elementary enrollment and a possible sixth elementary school may be submitted to an open comment inbox at elementaryenrollment@tesd.net.
Community Presentations on Elementary Enrollment & Facilities Utilization
In February and March 2023, Dr. Richard Gusick, Superintendent of Schools, and Dr. Wendy Towle, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, Staff Development and Planning, held five community presentations to share an update on TESD elementary enrollment trends and the impact on facilities utilization. Community members who were unable to attend the presentation view a recording of the presentation online.TESD families and community members may share feedback or comments about the elementary enrollment presentation by using an open comment email inbox at elementaryenrollment@tesd.net.
Enrollment Increases at the Elementary Level
Historically, elementary school enrollment has steadily increased since 1995 with the exception of a dip in enrollment in the year 2020 potentially as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Projections indicate that enrollment numbers will be restored to pre-pandemic levels in the near future. In addition to overall enrollment increases, TESD elementary school student populations have been historically inconsistent and the largest and smallest schools often change. These numbers shift from one year to the next due to small changes in the region and other factors. This year, 2023, Valley Forge Elementary has the highest enrollment at 573 and Devon Elementary has the lowest at 375; however, the most populous school has changed several times over the last few decades. Enrollment projections indicate that over the next 10 years, there will continue to be disparity in the student population at the elementary level. Valley Forge Elementary will continue to be significantly larger in student population than the other four elementary schools, while two of the remaining four schools are projected to fall below the target population of 450-500 students.
Utilization of Available Classroom Space
When the student population increases at an individual school, it impacts how the classroom space is used in the building. As an elementary school approaches approximately 527 students, the enrollment begins to have a minimal impact on the program delivery. At the point of 574 students or greater, the potential exists for a significant impact on the program delivery and additional resources are required. Over the next 10 years, projections indicate that Valley Forge Elementary School will be consistently over 574 students each year, with two other schools approaching 500.
In addition, there has been a significant change in programming that has taken place in special education since 2012 and additional classroom space has been needed to accommodate these programs. Since 2017, TESD has needed 10 additional elementary classrooms to meet the needs of our special education students. Projecting forward over the next five years, four additional classrooms will be needed for special education programming beyond what is utilized this year.
While TESD is able to successfully deliver its educational program even when student enrollment approaches the higher end of the target, additional resources, special planning and changes to common area utilization are needed to accommodate a larger student population.
Options for Responding to Enrollment
TESD is exploring strategies to respond to the increasing elementary enrollment and disparity among the student population at its elementary schools:- Monitor enrollment and maintain status quo
- Maximize school footprints – consider every space available and maximizing its use
- Add on or expand existing elementary schools
- Redistrict to rebalance school populations
- Build a new school
TESD families and community members are encouraged to learn more about elementary enrollment and facilities utilization by reviewing the presentation below and the additional resources on the left side of this page. In addition, the TESD community is invited to share feedback or comments about the elementary enrollment presentation by using an open comment email inbox at elementaryenrollment@tesd.net.