• School Board
    School Board Members Term Expiration 
    Yolanda Allen
    Yolanda was elected to the School Board in 2021 and is a representative of Region 1. She is chair of the Ad Hoc Public Information Committee and is a member of the Finance and Policy Committees. Yolanda is a 17-year resident of Tredyffrin Township.


    Susan Audrain
    Susan was elected to the School Board in 2021 and represents Region 3. She is the chair of the Policy Committee and is a member of the Facilities and Ad Hoc Legislative Committees. 


    Kenneth Hong
    Kenneth was elected to the School Board in 2023 and represents Region 2. He is a member of the Finance, Facilities and Ad Hoc Public Information Committees. Kenneth has three children who have attended T/E schools. Kenneth has three children who have attended T/E schools. Two currently attend Conestoga High School. 


    Roberta Hotinski
    Roberta was elected to the School Board in 2015 and represents Region 1. She is chair of the Finance Committee and a member of the Education and Ad Hoc Public Information Committees. Roberta has been a T/E resident for 19 years and has two children who currently attend T/E schools.


    Todd Kantorczyk
    Todd was elected to the School Board in 2015 and represents Region 1. He is serving his second term as School Board President. Todd has been a T/E resident for 18 years and has three children who are T/E graduates.


    Maryann Piccioni
    Maryann was elected to the School Board in 2021 and represents Region 3. She is chair of the Ad Hoc Legislative Committee and a member of the Finance and Policy Committees. Maryann has been a resident of Easttown Township for 39 years and has four children who attended T/E schools.
    Robert Singh

    Robert was elected to the School Board in 2021 and represents Region 2. He is chair of the Facilities Committee and a member of the Education and Ad Hoc Legislative Committees. Robert has one child who currently attends T/E schools and two children who are T/E graduates.
    Sue Tiede
    Sue was elected to the School Board in 2019 and represents Region 3. She is serving her second term as School Board Vice President. Sue is chair of the Education Committee and a member of the Facilities and Ad Hoc Public Information Committees.  She has been a District resident for 37 years. Sue and her husband have 3 sons all of whom attended elementary and middle school in T/E and are graduates of Conestoga High School.  
    Rachel Weil
    Rachel was elected to the School Board in 2023 and represents Region 2. She is a member of the Education, Policy and Ad Hoc Legislative Committees.

    The Superintendent, Board Secretary and two high school student representatives are present at each meeting as non-voting members. The School Board President and Vice President are elected at the annual reorganization meeting on the first Monday in December. Business meetings generally take place on the fourth Monday of the month. Committee meetings take place periodically throughout the year. 

    Voting Precincts Beginning with the 2017 Election: *
    Region 1- Tredyffrin E-2, E-3, E-4, E-5, M-1, M-2, M-5, M-6, W-3, W-4   
    Region 2- Tredyffrin M-3, M-4, M-7, W-1, W-2, W-5 
    Region 3- Tredyffrin E-1, Easttown 1-7 
    * The Tredyffrin/Easttown School District filed a Petition to Realign Regional Election Districts which was approved by the Court of Common Pleas of Chester County on August 1, 2016. The new regional election districts will take effect in 2017.

    On April 25, 2016, the Tredyffrin/Easttown Board of School Directors adopted a Resolution authorizing the filing of the Petition to realign the regional election districts in the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District to address changes in population that have resulted in disparity among the currently structured voting regions. The resolution adopted a plan recommended to the School Board by the Ad-Hoc School Board Region Reapportionment Committee. The plan, which was developed through several months of careful study and significant community input, will realign the District’s voting regions in a way that reduces population disparity among regions and is consistent with the statutory requirements contained in the Public School Code regarding electoral boundaries and population equity. Click here for additional information about the District's Reapportionment Study.