Family and Community ResourcesThe Tredyffrin/Easttown School District strives to provide parents, caregivers and families with resources to support the well-being and success of all students. Please contact the appropriate group or organization for additional information.Child Abuse
- Childline, (800) 932-0313 - Report suspected child abuse
- PA Family Support Alliance
- Family Support Line
Child Welfare- Chester County Children, Youth & Families
- Children's Dental Clinic, (610) 240-1213
- Chester County Department of Human Services
- Chester County Intermediate Unit
- FLITE - Foundation for Learning in T/E
- T&E Care - Families helping families in Tredyffrin and Easttown Townships
Mental Health- TESD Student Emotional Well-Being Resources Brochure
- Valley Creek Crisis Center (24-hour crisis counseling) 610-280-3270
- Chester County Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
- Child Mind Institute
- Mental Health America
- Harvard University – Center on the Developing Child
- National Association of School Psychologists
- Social and Emotional Wellness Resources for Families
- PA Suicide & Crisis Hotline: (877) 918-2100 - Trained crisis counselors available 24 hours/day
- Peter's Place - A center for grieving children and families
Safety/Internet Safety- Campus Crimebusters Anonymous Tipline: (215) 546-TIPS - Report criminal activity
- Common Sense Media - Social media and technology guidance for parents and educators
- The Crime Victims’ Center of Chester County, Inc. - Report sexual assault: (610) 692-7273; other crimes (610) 692-7420
- Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force - Cyber safety tips, report an inappropriate cyber incident
- TESD Digital Citizenship Program
- TESD School Safety
- Tredyffrin Township Anonymous Tipline - Anonymous online non-emergency tipline
- Underage Drinking Hotline, (888) UNDER-21 - To report planned or actual incidents of underage drinking and to report those who sell or serve alcohol to minors
Special Education- ARC of Chester County - A provider of services to people with developmental and intellectual disabilities and their families
- Autism Society of America
- BUILD - Better Understanding of Individuals with Learning Differences
- Education Law Center
- LD Online - A guide to learning disabilities and ADHD
- PA Department of Education: Special Education
- PA Parent Guide to Special Education
- TESD Office of Individualized Student Services
Substance Abuse- Alanon/Alateen - Support for family and friends of alcoholics
- Area Residents Caring and Helping (ARCH) - A local resource for families as they help their children form a positive self-image, make healthy choices, and reduce the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs
- COAD - Chester County Council on Addictive Diseases