• Delaware Valley Consortium for Equity and Excellence

    TESD is a member of the Delaware Valley Consortium for Equity and Excellence (DVCEE), which is an organization affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education. According to DVCEE, the organization provides engaging and meaningful programming that focuses on inter-district collaboration and shares learning for continuous improvement in eliminating pervasive preparation, opportunity and achievement gaps. 

    District staff members participate in a series of DVCEE workshops each year. A few examples include:

    • Teaching Tolerance Social Justice Standards Working Group – Session for Curriculum and Instruction Administrators
    • I See You and You Matter: Culturally Responsive Practices for Educators with Shauna King
    • Social Justice Standards Working Group – Standards Training for Curriculum and Instruction Professionals

    TESD students have also attended programs through DVCEE including the annual DVCEE High School and Middle School Student Leadership Institutes at the University of Pennsylvania. In addition, TESD partnered with Dr. Howard Stevenson, Professor of Urban Education and Professor of Africana Studies in the Human Development & Quantitative Methods Division of the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania, to work specifically with T/E students of color at the high school.

    The District also participates in teacher recruitment programs facilitated by DVCEE:

    • Forum on Recruitment and Retention of Educators of Color in our Schools
    • Annual Educators of Color Recruitment Fair