• TESD Literacy Program

    Literacy has a direct impact on student learning throughout a child's entire education. This page shares information and resources about the many ways the T/E School District supports the growth and development of literacy in students and provides them with the skills and dispositions needed to be literate. As part of the District's ongoing review of literacy programs and practices, TESD administrators have participated in discussions with the many experts in the field of literacy.books  

    The District's Language Arts Learning Competencies provide the framework for language arts learning in eight key areas. Using these competencies as a foundation for spiraling skills development, teachers enrich the reading program by accommodating the individual learning needs of each student while providing a strong, consistent level of reading instruction across the District.

    Language Arts Learning Competencies:

    • Reading comprehension: Learning strategies (Example: main idea, sequence)
    • Reading comprehension: Thinking skills (Example: inference, compare/contrast)
    • Reading: Investigating language patterns (Example: word analysis, decoding, phonics)
    • Speaking and writing (Example: writing process, grammar, spelling)
    • Study skills
    • Research skills
    • Response to various genres (Example: fiction, biography, poetry)
    • Lifelong reading