• July 31, 2020

    Dear T/E Families,

    I am writing to provide you with an update on our reopening plans. On Wednesday, July 29, 2020 the Tredyffrin/Easttown School Board approved by a vote of 9-0 reopening plans for the 2020-2021 school year. I want to thank the entire community for participating in this week’s meetings.  Over 1200 individuals participated live, and hundreds submitted questions and comments.  We heard strong passion for many different solutions as well as ideas that will help us shape how the phased reopening is implemented.

    Highlights of the approved plans include:

    • Family Choice – Families will have a choice between Option 1, a blend of in-school and virtual instruction, or Option 2, 100% virtual instruction.
    • Phased Reopening – The 2020-2021 school year will begin with virtual instruction on August 31 for grades 1-12 and September 8 for kindergarten students. Virtual instruction will continue for all grades through at least September 21. Evolving pandemic conditions will inform how schools may transition to reopening.
    • Live, Synchronous Instruction – All TESD plans, regardless of in-person or virtual status, will include live, synchronous instruction.

    Additional information on the reopening plans, including details on the two instructional options, sample student schedules, and health and safety protocols, is available in the TESD Reopening Presentation. You may also visit the Reopening Schools section of the TESD website for FAQs, videos of recent meetings and other resources.

    TESD Commitment Form Coming Next Week

    Next week, the District will provide families with an electronic commitment form to select either Option 1, a blend of in-school and virtual instruction, or Option 2, all-virtual instruction. Option 1 would begin after September 21 at the earliest, as all students start the school year virtually. In addition, families will indicate whether they will need bus transportation this school year. Families will be asked to submit their choices by August 12. We will share more information about the timeline and the submission process early next week.  It will be helpful for families to use the above resources to inform themselves of the reopening plan to guide toward the most appropriate option for each child.

    We all want the trajectory of the pandemic to bend toward a full reopening of schools.  In the meantime, we will operate schools in a way we believe balances safety with educational needs.  During the next four weeks, we will continue working hard to prepare for a successful start to the school year. Your response to next week’s commitment request, practicing and modeling social distancing, face covering, and handwashing with students, and continued engagement with our schools will help us begin the school year as smoothly as possible.


    Dr. Richard Gusick
    Superintendent of Schools