October 12, 2020
We are excited to be in this next phase of our re-opening to in-person instruction, and we are writing today to introduce how we will be communicating to students, staff, and families regarding positive COVID-19 cases. Because of the environment of the pandemic, we anticipate learning of positive cases of COVID-19. To that end, we have created a dashboard page on our District website at https://www.tesd.net/dashboard. This dashboard includes information regarding the number of new daily cases, and breakdowns by building, staff and student. We may not be able to provide specific information about every case, including any personally identifiable information.
It is important for you to know that in the event you are believed to be a close contact of the positive COVID-19 case, the Chester County Health Department will contact you. The District may also be advised to inform you of a positive COVID-19 case by the Chester County Health Department. If your child must quarantine due to a close contact at school, the school nurse will provide you with the Close Contact Information Sheet outlining the steps to follow.
We are doing our very best to balance sharing important information with families and staff while remaining in compliance with communication guidance from health authorities and privacy laws. Please recognize that there could be different reasons why individuals may not be at school or in their workplace, so we ask that you consider what conclusions you may draw from a person’s absence.
If you have questions about this dashboard, please email us at healthinfo@tesd.net
Thank you,Chris Groppe, Ed.D.
Pandemic Coordinator