• Visitor Check-in System

    The T/E School District uses the Raptor Visitor Management System to enhance the entrance protocols already in place in our schools. The new visitor check-in system will provide a consistent method to monitor visitors and volunteers in our buildings while alerting school personnel to the presence of individuals who appear on the sex offender database. 

    What to expect when entering our schools 

    • Once the new check-in system is in place, you will be asked to present a government-issued ID such as a driver’s license, passport card (not the full passport), state identification card, permanent resident card or active military card when entering our schools. 
    • Your ID will either be scanned or manually entered into the system. In addition to keeping track of who is in our buildings, the system will check your name and date of birth for comparison with a national database of registered sex offenders.
    • Once cleared, you will receive a printed badge with your name, photo, date and reason for your visit. The badge must be worn at all times when in the school.
    • When leaving the building, you will turn in your badge to the attendant to check out.
    • After the first registration, you will not need to have your ID scanned for subsequent visits to the school. The attendant will find your name in the system and use the record of your previously-scanned ID to sign you in and print a current badge. 

    If you do not have a US government-issued ID, the school staff member can use a different form of identification along with your date of birth. Visitors without an ID may be escorted by a school staff member while in the building. 

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. What is the Raptor visitor check-in system?
      The Raptor system is a visitor management system that enhances school security by allowing TESD to monitor visitors who are in our buildings. The system compares state-issued ID information to a database that contains registered sex offenders from 50 states. In the event of a match with the database, Raptor alerts designated school officials.  
    1. How does Raptor work?
      Upon entering our schools, visitors will be asked to present a valid state-issued ID such as a driver’s license. Scannable identification will be detected by the Raptor scanner. The system allows non-scannable identification to be entered manually by the lobby greeter as needed. Once entry is approved, Raptor will issue a badge that identifies the visitor, the date, and the purpose of their visit. Additional visitor data from the driver's license or state-issued ID is not gathered nor is the system connected to any other database such as the Department of Motor Vehicles. 

      For subsequent visits, the lobby greeter will simply find the visitor’s name in the system (first or last name look-up) and use the record of the previously scanned ID to sign in the visitor and print an ID badge. The check-in process will be much faster after the initial visit.   

      Visitors are encouraged to arrive early for any appointments at school to allow time for the check-in process. 

    1. Why is TESD using this system?
      The Raptor visitor management system will enhance the entrance protocols already in place in our schools. This new system will provide a consistent method to monitor visitors and volunteers while alerting school personnel to the presence of individuals who appear in the sex offender database.  

    1. Does TESD have the right to require visitors, even parents, to produce identification before entering the school?
      Yes. School officials need to know who is in the building and why they are visiting. Particularly when a student is involved (e.g., early pickup), school officials need to be able to confirm that an individual has the authority to have access to the student. 

    1. What types of IDs will work in Raptor?
      The Raptor scanner works with official identification documents that have a 2D barcode, such as Pennsylvania driver’s licenses. If the ID does not permit scanning, the lobby greeter will need to see identifying documents that include first and last name and date of birth so that they may manually enter the information into the Raptor system.  

    1. What other information is the school taking from driver’s licenses?
      The Raptor system will only scan the visitor’s name, date of birth and photo for comparison with a national database of registered sex offenders. Additional visitor data will not be gathered, and no data will be shared with any outside company or organization. 

    1. Is a visitor still permitted to enter the school if they do not have a government-issued ID?
      If a person does not have identification, they may still be given access to the building if they have a purpose to be there. They will need to provide their full name and date of birth and may be escorted by a school staff member while in the school building. 

    1. Will a visitor still be able to enter a school building if they are flagged by the Raptor system?
      Flagged visitors who are confirmed as offenders by the Raptor system and who are attending events during the school day in which there are larger numbers of people present, such as concerts, will be discreetly and unobtrusively denied entry to the building or wherever the event is being held.

      Flagged visitors attending parent-teacher meetings or similar meetings will be asked to participate virtually via Microsoft Teams or they will be escorted to and from the meeting space by the building principal or designee. The visitor will be in the presence of one or more school staff members at all times.  

    2. What is the checkout process for visitors leaving the building?
      At checkout, the visitor will return the Raptor badge to the lobby greeter to be destroyed. The lobby greeter will locate the name of the person who is leaving and click a “sign out” button. This provides a record of entry and departure at any of our schools.  

    3. Will the Raptor system be used for after school activities?
      No. The system will only be used during normal school hours, Monday through Friday.

    4. How will large numbers of visitors attending schoolwide events such as concerts be processed efficiently? (Updated September 2023)

      During the summer of 2023 we reviewed our pilot year experience using Raptor during events involving a large number of visitors such as at school concerts.  


      For indoor events in which visitors will remain in one location (e.g., auditorium) we will not require visitors to use Raptor to sign in. Indoor events in which visitors travel to different parts of the school will require the use of Raptor to sign in.  

      For outdoor events we will not require visitors to use Raptor to sign in.  
    5. Will volunteers check in using Raptor?

    6. Do I need to register with the Raptor system if I am just dropping off something for my child?
      No. Our process remains the same – drop off items will be placed in the secure vestibule or designated space and the person dropping off the item can then depart.  

    7. When will the new Raptor system go into effect in T/E schools?
      We expect to begin rolling out the new Raptor visitor management system in T/E schools during the week of November 7, 2022. TESD will notify all families through phone call, email and text prior to the implementation date.

    8. How can I learn more about the Raptor Visitor Management System?
      If you have questions for District personnel, please contact your child’s school principal or Dr. Chris Groppe, TESD Director of Safety at groppec@tesd.net or (610) 240-1919. You may also submit questions and feedback to TESDSafetyInput@tesd.net.  

    Privacy of Information

    Raptor Technologies, Inc. (Raptor) warrants that the confidentiality of data from our clients will be maintained according to all Federal and State laws, and any local policies that are communicated to us. Raptor acts as an agent and representative for the client in the storage, import, and/or analysis of data. Access to personally identifiable data will not be allowed for anyone other than Raptor staff directly responsible for the storage, import, and/or analysis of the data. Data will be provided by Raptor only to persons or entities authorized by the client. Data will be used by Raptor only according to the terms of our signed agreements.