Free and Reduced Priced Meals
Free and reduced-price lunches are available for students unable to pay the full price of meals according to criteria based on household size and income. Free and reduced price meal applications are emailed to all households annually and also can be completed on-line. If you need an application or if you experience an income or household size change, an application is available on the links below or at your school. You may also contact Mita Barot in the Food and Nutrition Services Department by email at or 610-240-1956 or 610-240-1955.
Families who earn less than 130 percent of the poverty level are eligible for free meals and those with incomes between 130 and 185 percent of the poverty level qualify for reduced-priced meals. The prices for paid breakfast and lunch are determined by the School Board and the price of reduced-price meals are established by the federal government. Reduced-price lunch and breakfast are free for the 2023-2024 school year.
How To Apply for Free/Reduced Price Meals
Eligible families may apply for the free/reduced price meal program three different ways.
- School Cafe - Visit SchoolCafe at Parents will need to sign up for an account and add their children. To add a child to their account parents will need the child's name, date of birth and student ID. Student ID's can be found on PowerSchool at After completing the sign up process, go to Benefits on the left side of the page and then select Apply. SchoolCafe also has an app that can be used on mobile phones. Android Users: Apple Users:
- Compass - Compass is an on-line application for Pennsylvanians to apply for many health and human service programs, including free/reduced meals for children online, Click here to access Compass and then clock on Apply Now to begin an application.
- T/E's Free and Reduced Lunch Application - Free & Reduced Lunch Application 2024 2025. Fill out the application then scan it and email it to Mita Barot in the Food and Nutrition Services Department at
T&E CARE - School Meal Assistance Program
If you believe your family could use help covering the costs of school meals, and you do not qualify for the District's free/reduced price meal option, then you may be eligible for the T&E Care School Meal Assistance Program. T&E Care is a local non-profit organization that helps families in Tredyffrin and Easttown townships. The application for the program is available on the T&E Care website at:
The completed application should be returned to your child's counselor.