All District Adults shall be expected to maintain professional, moral and ethical relationships with District students that are conducive to an effective, safe learning environment.  “District Adults” means all District employees, coaches of recognized club sports, volunteers, student teachers, and independent contractors, including the employees of independent contractors who interact with District students or are present on District grounds.

    In order to maintain professional boundaries, District Adults shall ensure that their interactions with students are appropriate.  Social interactions by District Adults with students shall be for legitimate educational reasons only.  District Adults shall be prohibited from entering into or attempting to form romantic or sexual interactions with any student enrolled in the District, regardless of the student's age. Students of any age are not legally capable of consenting to romantic or sexual interactions with District Adults.

    All electronic communications conducted by District Adults with a student must relate to educational or extra-curricular programs or activities. Authorized methods of electronic communication are the following:

    1. District-provided email;
    2. District-sponsored web site (including school and teacher web pages);
    3. Telephones (not including texting, unless otherwise permitted under number 4 below); and
    4. Other electronic communication methods that are authorized by the administration in support of educational or extra-curricular programs or activities.

    When available, all employees, including extra-duty employees such as coaches and activity sponsors, shall use District-provided email or other District-provided communication devices when communicating electronically with students. The use of District-provided email or other District provided communication devices shall be in accordance with District policies and procedures. District employees are prohibited from using personal email, text messaging, instant messaging, and social-networking accounts, websites, and any other applications for communicating with parents and students that are not specifically authorized. District employees shall not follow or accept requests for current students to be friends or connections on personal social networking sites and shall not create any networking site for communication with students other than those provided by the District for this purpose, without the prior written approval of the building principal. An example of allowable communications in this context includes where the adult is a family relative of the student.

    If an employee plans to communicate electronically with students through the use of text messages, the employee must obtain permission to do so from his/her building principal using the form attached as Attachment A to R5461. Also, if permission is received, the employee must not only provide students’ parents with written notification of the intent to use text messaging but must also obtain written parental permission to do so.

    Policy 5461 applies to conduct committed on or off school property and extends beyond the workday. However, this policy is not intended to interfere with appropriate personal relationships between District Adults and students and their families that exist independently of the District or to interfere with participation in civic, religious or other outside organizations that include District students.

    An emergency situation or a legitimate educational reason may justify deviation from professional boundaries set out in R 5461. The District Adult shall be prepared to articulate the reason for any deviation from the requirements of this regulation and must demonstrate that s/he has maintained an appropriate relationship with the student.

    Administrative 5461 includes examples of conduct that could or may violate District policy regarding maintaining professional boundaries with students.  District Adults shall be informed of conduct that is prohibited and the disciplinary actions that may be applied for violation of Board policies, administrative regulations, rules and procedures.

    Any person, including a student, who has concerns about or is uncomfortable with a relationship or interaction between a District Adult and a student, shall immediately notify the Superintendent, principal or other administrator. Allegations of inappropriate conduct shall be promptly investigated in accordance with the procedures utilized for complaints of prohibited harassment of students as referenced below.



    In order to maintain a safe school climate that encourages learning for all students, teachers and administrators shall respond to actions or situations that disrupt this learning process.  Discipline measures may include warnings, detentions, suspensions, expulsions or other appropriate responses to the circumstances.

    Offenses that are considered to be of an extremely serious nature, including but not limited to the following, may result in either suspension or expulsion: 

    1. Inappropriate physical contact, verbal threats or attacks, bullying or fighting on school grounds, in school vehicles and/or while participating in school-sponsored activities on or off school premises.
    2. The use of, distribution of or possession of, any substance subject to Policy 5405. Aiding and abetting any of the above shall be treated in the same way.
    3. Carrying of any item which could be considered a weapon or which is dangerous in nature in accordance with State Law
    1. Consistent lateness to or cutting of class or detentions
    2. Willful destruction or defacing of school property
    3. Chronic infraction of building rules
    4. Conduct adversely affecting the school routine or otherwise endangering the safety, morals, health or welfare of others.
    5. Physical or verbal threats or attacks or retaliatory conduct directed at school staff members, their property, or their families.
    6. Chronic insubordination

    When a suspendable offense occurs, the principal or assistant principal will meet with the student at which time the student will have the opportunity to offer an explanation of the infraction.  After that meeting the principal or assistant principal may suspend the student from school for a period of up to three school days. Parents/guardians will be notified immediately in writing.

    When a suspension exceeding three (3) school days is under consideration, the principal or assistant principal will offer the student and student’s parents/guardians a hearing as required by law.  After such hearing the principal or assistant principal may extend the suspension for a period of up to ten (10) school days.  The Superintendent must approve suspensions in excess of five (5) days. Parents/guardians will be notified immediately in writing.

    When discipline is to be imposed upon a student with disabilities, School District employees are required to follow the additional procedures outlines in the District’s Administrative Regulation (R5401) and applicable law.


    BULLYING (P5401 & R5401)

    It is the policy of the District to provide a safe and positive learning environment free from bullying behaviors. Bullying occurs when a student or a group of students intentionally and repeatedly uses hurtful or intimidating words, actions or other behaviors against another student. A detailed description of bullying behaviors is posted in each classroom at Conestoga High School for student access. If a student thinks that someone is bullying him/her during the school day, on school property, on a school bus, or at a school-sponsored activity, the student should tell an adult at school immediately so the school can begin the process of investigating the issue. Following the investigation, school officials may apply a range of consequences from a parent conference to police contact.


    HAZING (P5421)

    The District’s policy is to maintain a safe, positive and respectful environment for students and staff that is free from hazing. Hazing activities of any type are inconsistent with the educational goals of the District and are prohibited at all times.

    Hazing is defined as any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a person or which results in the willful destruction or removal of public or private property for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or continued membership in any school organization, club, team, group or activity.

    Endanger the physical health shall include but not be limited to any brutality of a physical nature, such as whipping; beating; branding; forced calisthenics; exposure to the elements; forced consumption of any food, alcoholic beverage, drug, or controlled substance; or other forced physical activity that could adversely affect the physical health or safety of the individual.

    Endanger the mental health shall include but not be limited to any activity that would subject an individual to extreme mental stress, such as prolonged sleep deprivation, forced exclusion from social contact, or forced conduct which could result in extreme embarrassment or otherwise adversely affect the mental health or dignity of the individual.

    Any hazing activity, whether by an individual or a group, shall be presumed to be a forced activity, even if a student willingly participates.

    Any form of hazing that is a part of a school sponsored activity is prohibited.

    The District will promptly investigate all complaints of hazing and will administer appropriate discipline to any individual who violates this policy.  Complaints of hazing may also be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agency for investigation. 

    Students who have knowledge of hazing activities shall promptly report such conduct to a building administrator.  Any student who has been subjected to hazing is also encouraged to promptly report such incidents to a building administrator and/or school counselor.



    The District’s policy is to maintain a positive learning environment and to prohibit any form of unlawful harassment. “Unlawful harassment” means verbal, written, graphic or physical conduct relating to an individual’s race, color, national origin/ethnicity, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or religion. The term unlawful harassment includes but is not limited to slurs, jokes, bullying, hazing or other verbal, graphic or physical conduct relating to an individual's race, color, national origin/ethnicity, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or religion.  Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, inappropriate verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, gestures of a sexual nature, or display of materials which evoke responses not in keeping with the atmosphere intended for the classroom.  It shall be a violation of the District’s policy for any student or staff member to harass any student or staff member. The administration shall report the circumstances of the unlawful harassment to law enforcement officials and the district attorney’s office as required by law.  Complaints of harassment by a student against another student shall be handled in the same manner as other student disciplinary investigations.

    Any student or parent who alleges sexual harassment by any staff member or student may complain directly to a teacher, a guidance counselor, or a building administrator. Students who believe that they have been subjected to harassment by an employee or any other adult member of the school community have the right and are encouraged to file a complaint in accordance with the formal and informal complaint procedures in R5420. The allegations will be investigated promptly and thoroughly.  If any student or staff member is found, after appropriate investigation, to have engaged in sexual harassment, he or she shall be subject to disciplinary action. Detailed procedures for resolving complaints involving sexual harassment will be distributed on a periodic basis to students and staff and will be posted in prominent locations in each school building.



    It is the policy of the District to provide an equal opportunity for all students to achieve their maximum potential through the programs offered in the school regardless of race, color, age, creed, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, ancestry, national origin or handicap/disability.  The District shall provide to all students, without discrimination, course offerings, counseling assistance, employment, athletics, and extracurricular activities.   The District shall make reasonable accommodations  for  identified  physical  and  mental  impairments  that  constitute  disabilities,  consistent  with  the requirements of federal and state laws and regulations.

    Students who believe they have been subjected to discrimination and students who become aware of discrimination against a student or students are encouraged to promptly report such alleged incidents to a counselor or administrator. The District takes complaints of discrimination very seriously. Such complaints shall be investigated expediently, and appropriate corrective action will be taken when allegations are substantiated.   To the extent permitted by the District’s legal and investigative obligations, confidentiality of all parties affected by the investigation will be maintained. There shall be no reprisals or retaliation as a result of good faith charges of discrimination.



    Possession of a weapon or weapons on District property (as defined in this policy) or at school-sponsored activities is specifically prohibited.  In addition, with very limited exceptions, Pennsylvania law requires public schools to report to police, and expel, for a minimum of one year, any student found in possession of any knife, cutting instrument, cutting tool, firearm, shotgun, rifle and any other tool, instrument or implement capable of inflicting bodily injury on District property.

    SEARCHES (P5412 and R5412)

    For the safety of the entire school community and to the extent permitted by law, any student is subject to having his/her person searched, motor vehicle, and/or personal belongings inspected upon entrance to any school building, program, or conveyance.  Under ordinary circumstances, a search will be justified where there is reasonable suspicion that the search will turn up evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the law or the rules of the District. Furthermore, lockers, locks, desks, and storage compartments may be provided for the use of students, but remain the property of the District.  Consequently, the District has the right to randomly or periodically inspect lockers, desks or other storage areas at any time. Students do not have the right to be present during such searches. Systematic suspicionless testing (as defined in this policy) may be performed at school dances or proms.   Testing may be by breathalyzer or similar non-invasive testing.



    No student shall be permitted to engage in conduct that could endanger that student’s safety or the safety of others. Discipline will be imposed as the situation warrants.



    In order to provide a safe environment for students, school personnel, and contracted personnel, schools may be equipped with video monitoring devices in public areas such as hallways and classrooms, and school buses may be equipped with video recording devices that provide video surveillance of passengers.  Students and, when applicable, school bus passengers will be notified as to the presence and possible activation of any video recording devices.


    ATTENDANCE (P5113)

    Frequent or prolonged absence without satisfactory reason or in willful violation of the compulsory attendance laws shall be handled in conformity with the procedures in the District’s Administrative Regulation R5113 and applicable law.



    The Tredyffrin/Easttown School District (TESD) operates for the benefit of resident children eligible for enrollment. Students are only eligible to enroll in TESD schools when they reside in the TESD at time of enrollment as determined by law. In this regard and by way of examples, the following do not establish residency:

    1. Ownership or proof of future ownership of property (regardless of whether the property is residential, commercial or industrial) in the TESD without actual residency in the TESD at time of enrollment.
    2. Residency with another family without complying with requirements established elsewhere in this Policy.
    3. Residency with a parent who has less than 50% custody, without a court order specifically designating the TESD as the District of residence for school attendance purposes.

    The TESD will only permit the enrollment of nonresident students when they are eligible for a specific reason as set forth in this Policy or as required by law. While the TESD’s practice is not to enroll nonresident students on a tuition basis, nothing in this Policy shall preclude the TESD from assessing tuition charges to families whose children attend school in violation of this Policy and its accompanying regulation.



    Each student will receive a comprehensive appraisal of his or her progress by each teacher in all subjects.  In conducting the assessment, teachers may include scores using a variety of assessment strategies, including additional objective and essay tests, portfolios of a student’s work, and performance tasks that demonstrate the student’s acquisition and application of concepts and skills.



    Freedom of expression is a right guaranteed by the United States Constitution. Students have the right to express themselves in accordance with law; however, expression that materially and substantially interferes with the educational process, threatens serious harm to the school or community, encourages unlawful activity, or interferes with another individual's rights is prohibited.



    Student publications published, funded or otherwise formally sponsored by the District represent the students, the staff and the District to the community at large and, as such, shall be created and published under the auspices of the District.  Student publications shall not be printed or distributed should they contain printed or graphic representation that would cause a substantial disruption or interference with school activities.



    No student will be denied the opportunity of participating in school-sponsored curricular activities, including field trips, because of an inability to pay necessary fees.


    DRESS AND APPEARANCE (P5415 and R5415)

    Students have the right to determine their dress and appearance as long as it conforms to norms of decency and does not materially and substantially interferes with the educational process, threatens the school or community, depicts or encourages unlawful or otherwise prohibited activity, or interferes with another student’s rights. 

    Clothing bearing or depicting messages, images, or advertisements relating to drugs, alcohol tobacco is not permitted. Clothing depicting violent or sexually explicit messages or images is also prohibited.

    Each school’s dress code policy shall be gender-neutral. Schools cannot enforce specific attire based on gender. Students have the right to dress in accordance with their gender identity within the constraints of the dress codes adopted by the school. Gender-neutral dress code guidelines apply to regular school days as well as any school sponsored activities.

    Students whose attire does not conform to the applicable standards will be asked to put on appropriate clothing. Students may be asked to change into appropriate clothing, if available at school, or the student’s parent/guardian will be called and asked to bring appropriate clothing to school. Students with questions about the applicable dress code or the appropriateness of particular attire/appearance shall direct such questions to the building principal or assistant principal.



    The Board has created procedures for students who suffer injuries at school or during school events, including students who suffer brain injuries or cardiac arrest. The Board requires that brain injuries or symptoms of sudden cardiac arrest to student-athletes be taken extremely seriously and with the short- term and long-term health of the student-athlete kept uppermost in mind. Regulations which have been established with regard to this policy are available in the Athletic Office at CHS and in the Athletic Handbook.


    FIELD TRIPS (P6153 and R6153)


    Students may have the opportunity to participate in supervised, school-sponsored field trips.  Students are reminded that all rules and regulations of the District remain in effect.  In the event that a trip is cancelled for any reason, the District shall not be responsible for monetary deposits lost due to such cancellation.


    STUDENT RECORDS (P5225 and R5225)


    “Student records” refer to those documents directly related to students and maintained by the school/District which are necessary for the educational development of students and for the orderly functioning of the school.   The District has developed guidelines for maintaining such student information and for providing access to student records by parents and students who are 18 years of age or older.  Any release or dissemination of student records shall be made in compliance with the Pennsylvania Public School Code and the recently amended Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, and with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act.





    When pesticide applications are planned and scheduled in school buildings and/or on school grounds, the District will provide notification including: (1) posting a pest control sign in an appropriate visible area, (2) providing the pest control information sheet to all individuals working in the school building, and (3) providing required notice to all parents and guardians of students or to a list of parents or guardians who have requested notification of applications of pesticides. Records of the Districts’ chemical pest control treatments for the past three (3) years are available to the public at the Districts’ administrative office.




    Complaints concerning the District’s programs or operations should be directed to the staff member or the administrator immediately in charge of the area in which the complaint arises. Board members who receive complaints concerning the District’s programs or operations will encourage the complainants to follow this same procedure. Complaints received anonymously by the District, by the Board or by its members will not be recognized as formal correspondence; and therefore, typically will not be given a response.

    The Superintendent shall promulgate Administrative Regulations detailing the process and procedures District personnel will follow for handling complaints received by the District. Special procedures provided by law or other District Policy for handling complaints in certain areas such as discrimination, sexual harassment, and resolving issues of concern for non-contract staff shall supersede the provisions of this Policy and its accompanying regulation.

    Since the District requires its employees to make mandatory reports to law enforcement and other agencies for suspected child abuse, possible violation of criminal law and educator misconduct, among other required reports, complaints regarding the District’s referral of matters to governmental agencies shall not be subject to the procedures required by this Policy.




    District students shall have access to school meals provided in a clean, safe environment. Nutrition content of school meals shall be available to students and parents/guardians. Goals of the Student Wellness Policy shall be considered in planning all school-based activities.


    A varied and comprehensive physical education course of study that focuses on providing students the skills, knowledge and confidence to participate in lifelong, health-enhancing physical activity shall be implemented consistent with State Board of Education curriculum regulations and Health, Safety and Physical Education academic standards.


    All fundraisers must be approved in advance in writing by the building Principal.  A “fundraiser” is considered an event that includes an activity during which currency/token/tickets, etc. are exchanged for the sale/purchase of a product in support of the school or school-related activities. Examples include: candy bar sales, vending machines where profits are used to support a school-sponsored club or activity, such as the school band or sports team. An “exempt fundraiser” is a fundraiser in which foods are sold during school at a location other than the school cafeteria and where the foods being sold do not meet the requirements for foods sold in school according to the Smart Snack Standards established by the United States Department of Agriculture. Exempt fundraisers may not be sold in the food service area during the meal period.

    Safeguards for Students with Food Allergies

    No food of any kind is permitted to be brought to school to be shared with students in connection with recognition of birthdays, celebrations such as Halloween, holidays, Valentine’s Day, cultural events, and end-of-the-year festivities at the grades K-4 level.




    The smoking of any substance, use of smokeless tobacco, or the use of “electronic smoking products” by anyone is prohibited within the buildings owned by the District, on school grounds, on school buses, and while participating in school-sponsored activities off school premises. Possession of tobacco or tobacco products by a student is strictly prohibited. At a minimum, violators of this policy will be suspended and fined.  The possession of electronic smoking devices is also prohibited.




    It is generally agreed that the most meaningful approaches to substance abuse involve a cooperative effort on the part of students, parents, the school and community social agencies. Furthermore, the best contribution schools can make is to provide a positive, meaningful learning environment and an educational program of value for each student. Students attend school so that they may develop to their fullest potential. In order to create and maintain an academic environment, the school, with the support of the students and parents, must strive to eliminate substance abuse. The following regulations define practices intended to meet this goal.




    The District, recognizing the need to manage and treat the problem of substance abuse on a District-wide basis and to take appropriate measures to prevent the problem of such abuse, supports the maintenance of a Student Assistance Program. The purpose of the Student Assistance Program is three-fold: (1) to identify students who are having problems because of substance abuse or due to mental health problems, (2) to intervene when appropriate either by personal contact or through support groups, and (3) with the involvement and approval of parents, to refer those students for appropriate help.


    The Student Assistance Program is not a treatment program. It seeks to improve identification of students who exhibit "at risk" behavior, such as suicidal intent, depression and substance abuse. It also provides for intervention by alerting parents or guardians to behavioral changes or related school problems and by making referrals to outside agencies or school support services.




    Any student who is self-referred or who is voluntarily referred by anyone else and who seeks help with a drug, alcohol, or substance abuse problem, and who is not under the immediate influence or in possession of a substance governed by Policy 5405 is not subject to the disciplinary provisions outlined in Administrative Regulation R5405. In such instances, an intervention plan will be developed and implemented at the principal’s direction in conjunction with the Student Assistance Team.


    1. School personnel to whom a student reports and from whom he or she seeks help should consult with the student and make an appropriate referral to the Student Assistance Team, counselor or adm


    1. The Student Assistance Team will make an appropriate assessment and referral for psychological, medical or other types of help as If assessment or treatment appears necessary, the consent of the parent or legal guardian of the student shall not be necessary to refer the student for treatment (71 P.S. §1690.112), although the District will notify the parent or legal guardian of any such referral.


    1. Follow-up will be conducted by a member of the Student Assistance Team and the agency to which the student was


    1. In accord with the Pennsylvania Drug and Alcohol Abuse Control Act, a student in the District who suffers from the effects of substance abuse may consent to counseling or medical care related to its diagnosis and treat



    1. Policy 5405 is violated when any student, employee, visitor, guest or any other person manufactures, uses, abuses, possesses, is under the influence of, distributes or attempts to distribute substances subject to Policy 5405 or paraphernalia associated with substances subject to Policy 5405 on school premises, or at any school-sponsored activity anywhere, or while traveling to and from school or school-related activities, or who conspires, aids, or abets the use, abuse, active possession, constructive possession, or distribution of substances subject to Policy


    1. “Under the influence” means noticeable impairment of ability to ambulate, converse, comprehend or perform motoric tasks as a result of consumption of substance subject to policy 540


    1. Simulated ("look alike") medication is prohibited and its possession is a violation of this regulation. This would include sale, distribution, or possession of substances which look like controlled pills, alcohol, marijuana or other substances which alter behavior or judgm


    1. The principal or designee is authorized to prevent any person from entering District premises, who possesses or attempts to distribute, or is under the influence of substances subject to Policy


    1. Students who are on field trips or are participating in school-sponsored activities at or away from school are subject to Policy 5405 and these regulations. Any students covered by the rules in the Coaches Handbook or by agreements governing participation in non-athletic extracurricular activities shall also be subject to these re Students who violate these regulations may be returned home, if warranted, before completion of the activity, and the appropriate authorities shall be notified as indicated elsewhere in Administrative Regulation R5405.




    1. Identification of Students Suspected of Substance Abuse
    2. Responsibilities of School District Employees
    3. An employee who suspects a student of being in violation of Policy 5405 while on school property has a duty to ensure that the student is taken immediately to the building principal or designee. Suspicion may include smelling of alcohol or marijuana or other circumstances leading the employee to reasonably suspect a violation of Policy 5405.


    1. An employee who suspects a student of being in violation of Policy 5405 while involved in any school-related activity on or off school property has a duty to ensure that the student is taken immediately to the professional staff member supervising the activity. After confirming the suspicion of violation of Policy 5405, the activity supervisor will immediately notify the building principal or responsible school personnel.


    1. District personnel are advised that knowledge of the investigation, diagnosis or treatment of a student's substance abuse is to be held in professional confidence.


    1. Responsibilities of Principal or Designee
    2. A conference will be held between the student and appropriate school personnel to explore the

         reasons for the exhibited symptoms and to afford the student an opportunity for explanation regarding the exhibited symptoms.


    1. If reasonable suspicion of a violation of Policy 5405 exists, the parent will be contacted, apprised of the situation, and invited, where feasible, to offer possible explanations for the child's exhibited behav The building principal or designee shall also notify the Superintendent of Schools.


    1. The principal or designee may also arrange for an examination by police or medical personnel to determine whether the student is under the influence of illegal drugs, alcohol, or other If the parent or student refuses to cooperate, the principal will refer the case to the appropriate local police authorities and implement disciplinary procedures.


    1. Upon admission from the student or confirmation from the examination that the student has used any substance subject to Policy 5405, the student will be subject to disciplinary action as detailed in the following section. Medical assessment or treatment will be pursued as warranted by the student's


    1. Treatment and Discipline for Confirmed Violation of Policy 5405


    1. All students will be referred to the Student Assistance Team or its grade level Students must  attend  a  counseling  or  treatment  program  as  determined  by  an  assessment conducted by the COAD liaison or a licensed substance abuse treatment facility. An alternative licensed substance abuse treatment facility may also be pursued at parents' expense with approval of the Superintendent of Schools. Written verification, provided by the treatment facility, indicating compliance with the recommendations cited in the assessment and/or in the treatment plan is required. Failure to attend a program will be in violation of disciplinary regulations and pursued accordingly. Failure to participate or follow through with the recommendations for treatment will result in a recommendation for expulsion or alternative placement to the Superintendent of Schools.
    2. The following disciplinary procedures will be used in connection with any violation of Policy 5405.


    1. The building principal or designee will contact the student's parent(s) or guardian(s) and request that they come to the principal's office immediately.


    1. The principal or designee will notify the proper local authorities for appropriate investigation and disposition.


    1. The principal or designee will schedule an informal hearing in accordance with District Policy at which time the student and parents may offer an explanation of the circumstances.


    1. If after the informal hearing, the principal or designee determines the offense has been committed by the student, the principal or designee will take the following action:

    1)   A student who is found to be in violation of Policy 5405 for the first time (except for distribution) shall be suspended out of school for five (5) days and will not be permitted to participate in school-sponsored activities as defined at the end of this regulation for fifteen (15) school days following the infraction.


    2)   A student with more than one violation of Policy 5405 for use or possession (but not distribution) of drugs, alcohol, or substances subject to Policy 5405 will be suspended from school for ten (10) days and will not be permitted to participate in  school-sponsored  activities  for  ninety  (90)  school  days  following  the infraction. A substance abuse assessment conducted by a licensed substance abuse treatment provider at parents’/guardian’s expense will be required. At the expense of the parent/guardian, the student must complete a treatment plan based on the recommendations cited in the assessment conducted by the licensed substance abuse treatment provider. Written verification, provided by the treatment facility, indicating compliance with the recommendations cited in the assessment and/or in the treatment plan is required. Failure to participate in the recommendations cited in the assessment and/or in the treatment plan will result in referral to  the  Superintendent  for  expulsion  proceedings  or  alternate placement.


    3)   For a student who distributes drugs, alcohol, or substances subject to Policy 5405, the principal or designee will refer the case to the Superintendent who may request a formal disciplinary hearing to be scheduled before the Board of School Directors, where expulsion or alternative placement will be recommended as warranted by the results of the investigation.


    4)   Additional penalties for prohibited use of anabolic steroids are as follows:

    1. a) First violation – suspension from school athletics for the remainder of the season or 30 school days, whichever is
    2. b) Second violation – suspension from school athletics for the remainder of the season and for the following
    3. c) Third violation – permanent suspension from school

    No student shall be eligible to resume participation in school athletics unless there has been a medical determination that no residual evidence of steroid exists.


    For purposes of Administrative Regulation 5405, "participation in school-sponsored activities" means attendance at (including representation of the school or District in) athletic events or other school activities such as cultural programs or academic activities. The student may still participate in graduation ceremonies but may not represent the school as an individual, such as a speaker or other program participant. Exclusions from participation in school-sponsored activities under this Regulation carry over from year-to-year except in the case of graduating seniors.


    USE OF MEDICATION (P5406 and R5406)


    Administration of Medications to Students

    This policy specifies the conditions and circumstances under which medication shall be administered in school and during school-sponsored activities. This policy is intended to align with all applicable Federal and State laws relevant to the administration of medication in the school setting.

    "Medication" means:

    • “prescribed medication,” which is any drug prescribed by a medical provider licensed to write prescriptions for any state in the United States for treating an injury, disease or disorder; or
    • “over-the-counter medication,” which is any drug obtained by an emancipated minor or by the parent/guardian of an unemancipated minor student as an over-the-counter drug, and there exists a standing order from a school physician or both an order from a licensed prescriber and written authorization by the parent/guardian to administer the drug during the school This definition includes any homeopathic or herbal remedy administered for the purpose of treating a physical or mental impairment.
    • “research or investigational medications,” which are substances undergoing formal study, are currently involved in clinical trials, but do not have FDA ap

    “asthma inhaler” means a prescribed device used for self-administration of short acting, metered doses of prescribed medication to treat an acute asthma attack.


    "supervised  self-administration"  means  pre-approved  medication  administrated  directly  by  the  student  to herself/himself in the presence of a designated adult.


    “unsupervised self-administration” means self-administration of pre-approved medication, including but not limited to, an epinephrine auto-injector, insulin, asthma inhaler or lactose, not in the presence of a school nurse, to avoid immediate and substantial risk to health.


    Except for the specific exceptions enumerated in the Administrative Regulation, the school principal or nurse must receive a written request from the parent/guardian before any medication that may be administered to a student during school hours. 


    Responsible  Personnel

    The administration of medication to a student may not be delegated to other personnel. A certified school nurse or other licensed personnel, such as a registered nurse or a licensed practical nurse, must administer medication to students.  Students are not permitted to carry medications on their persons during the school day except as authorized by Policy and Administrative Regulation.


    Course  of Action

    Planning for administration of medication during school and school-sponsored activities should begin before the school year or at the beginning of the school year and should include school administration, family and health care providers. Nothing in this policy is designed to prevent the administration of first aid, including administration of an epinephrine auto-injector, to a student without the express written permission of a parent where deemed necessary by a nurse, pursuant to the nurse’s professional judgment.

    Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Superintendent with direction from the District physician.




    Students and staff are expected to act in a responsible ethical and legal manner in accordance with the District Policy

    6190, acceptable rules of network etiquette and Federal and State law. Specifically, the following are prohibited:


    1. Use of the network to facilitate illegal activity.
    2. Use of the network for commercial or for-profit purposes.
    3. Use of the network for fundraising purposes, except for links approved by the principal to websites of school- related organizations/clubs.
    4. Use of the network for non-school related work on more than an incidental basis.
    5. Use of the network for product advertisement or political lobbying.
    6. Use of the network to transmit hate mail/speech, discriminatory remarks and objectionable, offensive or inflammatory communication.
    7. Unauthorized or illegal installation, distribution, reproduction, or use of copyrighted materials.
    8. Use of the network to access obscene or pornographic material.
    9. Use of inappropriate language or profanity on the network.
    10. Use of the network to intentionally obtain or modify files, passwords, and data belonging to other users.
    11. Use of the network to disrupt the work of other users.
    12. Impersonation of another user.
    13. Sharing District password with, or allowing password to be used by, anyone else.
    14. Loading or use of unauthorized games, programs, files, or other electronic media.
    15. Destruction, modification, or abuse of network hardware and software.
    16. Quoting personal communications in a public forum without the original author’s prior consent.




    Except where the use of electronic devices has been prohibited by law, students may possess electronic devices within all of the buildings owned by the District, on school grounds, in school vehicles and/or while participating in school-sponsored activities on or off school premises. The administration shall have the right to regulate the use and possession of all electronic devices. In addition to limitations on use and possession imposed by the school administration, possession of electronic devices is subject to the following restrictions:

    1. Students may not use electronic devices to conduct any activities which violate state and/or federal law, Board Policy, District Administrative Regulations or school rules.
    2. Students may not use electronic devices in any manner which interferes with, or is disruptive to, educational or extracurricular activities or events.
    3. Students may not use electronic devices or have them readily accessible when they are in restrooms, locker rooms and in other areas where individuals would have a similar expectation of privacy.


    Notwithstanding the rules set forth above, electronic devices may be used:

    1. At any time to respond to or report an emergency situation; and
    2. When and as required pursuant to a student’s Individualized Education Program or Section 504 Service Agreement.

    Violations of this Policy may result in disciplinary action, including suspension and/or expulsion.


    Tredyffrin/Easttown School District
    Elementary School Student Network Acceptable Use Agreement

    The T/E educational network and resources are used for educational purposes that construct knowledge, advance critical thinking, and encourage communicating and collaborating in a connected world. Access to this network is a privilege, not a right and requires safe and responsible use. The network and its resources should be used for school-related work as directed by your teacher. School computer files are not private and your teacher or principal may see them at any time.


    While using the Tredyffrin/Easttown Network,

    I will respect the privacy and safety of others and myself. I must:

    1. Use only teacher approved network folders and locations.
    2. Keep passwords private and secure.
    3. Not pretend to be another person or share private information about others or myself online.
    4. Have teacher permission to take and share photos, audio, or video of others or myself.

    I will respect our T/E educational community. I must:

    1. Communicate, search, and work in ways that are polite, safe, and appropriate.
    2. Report inappropriate or hurtful materials to a teacher or principal.
    3. Access, create, save, and share only appropriate educational materials or games with teacher approval.

    I will respect and protect the intellectual property of others. I must:

    1. Follow copyright laws by citing sources and giving credit when using information including but not limited to images and video.
    2. Create my own product and not copy another’s work.

    I will respect and protect network and technology resources. I must:

    1. Not intentionally damage or destroy equipment that belongs to the school or others.
    2. Not intentionally enter, change, or move files, apps, or folders that have not been created by me unless directed by the teacher.
    3. Obtain teacher permission for printing.

    I have read or have had read to me the T/E School District Elementary School Student Network Acceptable Use Agreement. I agree to follow these guidelines. I understand that if I do not follow these guidelines, I may not be allowed to use the school’s computers and network. I will have a consequence for making a bad choice.

    Student Name: ________________________________________________________________________

    Date:  ________________________ Grade:  _________________      Room Number:________________