Email: hesattendance@tesd.net
Attendance Report Line: (610) 240-1530
Parents are encouraged to report their child’s absence via e-mail listed above. Include your child's name, classroom, and the reason for the absence/lateness.
To report an absence or lateness after 9:00 am, call the school phone number (610) 240-1500. Additionally, parents should also send an e-mail to the address listed above.
You can report your child's absence or lateness the night before or early in the morning. Your call or e-mail must be made before 9:00 a.m.
Absence and lateness for PM Kindergarten students should be called directly to the school office and an e-mail sent to the address listed above.
The absence reporting system has been set up for your child's safety. If a parent does not call to report an absence or lateness, the school will call the parent.