A number of safeguards are in place at Hillside Elementary School in order to provide a safe environment for children:1. When a child is going to be absent or late to school parents are to call the attendance voice mailbox to report this information. If the office does not receive a phone call from the parents of an absent or late child, the parent will be called by the school.2. ALL visitors (including parents and volunteers) must report to the greeter's desk to sign in and receive an identification badge every time they enter the building. Badges are to be worn at all times while in the building. When ready to leave the building you must return to the office and sign out.3. All doors in the building will be locked at all times except the main door on the lower level near the office. The door leading to the bus ramp will be locked after buses arrive in the morning.4. If you wish to drop something off in the office, please pull your car up to the end of the student drop-off area so that delivery and mail trucks have monitored access to the office.