Email: hesattendance@tesd.net 

    For more information, please visit the district's website.

    The following is a partial list of the Pennsylvania School Code that allows the following reasons for a child to be excused from school for all or part of the school day: 

    1. Illness
    2. Family Emergency
    3. Court Appearance  
    4. Death in the Family
    5. Impassable Roads

    Whenever possible please try to schedule medical and dental appointments after school hours. If it is necessary to take your child out of school for a medical appointment a note should be sent to his/her teacher that morning.
    Parents should report to the greeter to call your child to the lobby. Be sure to inform your child of the time you will be picking him/her up for the appointment. If a child comes into school late an excuse card should be sent to school with the child. Student travel will only be excused if the trip has prior approval by the Principal for absences of less than five days or the Superintendent for absences of five or more days.

    Parents should download or contact the school office two weeks prior to the date of absence to obtain an Educational Trip Form. The responsibility for the completion of any assignments rests with the individual student and the discretion and convenience of the subject teacher.

    The request for educational travel will be reviewed by the child's teachers and then a decision will be made by the teachers, principal and/or superintendent.

    You can type or write in the necessary information.