• Request for Excused Absence from School for Student Travel

    Please click on the following forms below for information pertaining to Student Travel:


      • Circumstances sometimes necessitate absence from school for reasons other than sickness or death in the family.
      • As defined in the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District Regulation 5113 above, excused absence may be granted for student educational travel by the respective building principal for absences up to five (5) school days per year.
      • Any requests for absences for a longer duration may be granted by the Superintendent of Schools after the recommendation of the principal.
      • Approval may be granted pending review of the individual request, the specific educational value of the trip, and the student’s progress and attitude.
      • The principal will consult with the student’s teachers to evaluate these factors.
      • Requests for such long-term absences should be submitted to the building principal two (2) weeks prior to the absence.