• Welcome to the TV Studio

    "Stoga's Home for Scholastic Broadcasting and Film Production" 

    • The TV Studio is a place where students engage in many aspects of television and video production ranging from producing newscasts and films to commentating sporting events.
    • Students enrolled in one of the three levels of TV Production, learn skills that enable them to participate in studio and field production, video editing, film production, and television news productions.
    • Our philosophy is to teach students how to produce quality television programming in an environment that stresses creativity, self-motivation, individual responsibility and team success.
    • Co-curricular & club activity is available for students who many not have room in their academic schedule to participate in classes to learn many of the skills above.  Co-curricular opportunity is focused on Broadcast Production, but the TV studio remains open after school daily for students to have access to equipment and explore individual interests and projects.
    Alison Ferriola: Teacher, TE/TV Club Advisor
    Mike Baskin: TV Studio Technician, TE/TV Advisor