Conestoga High School
Extended Learning Opportunities (ELO)Conestoga High School students have a variety of opportunities to participate in flexible learning activities that promote 21st Century skills. These activities focus on global and community partnerships, social responsibility, creative problem solving, critical thinking, self direction, collaboration and technological proficiency. Students interested in pursuing any of the activities described below should contact their counselors.Independent StudyThe independent study program allows students to work with a teacher to pursue a course of study that goes beyond the regular curriculum. The scope of the Independent Study must be proposed and approved by the supervising teacher and Assistant Principal before work towards the outcomes takes place. Grades 10-12.Online Coursework
Students in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 may participate in online coursework provided they take courses that are not already offered at Conestoga or are unable to run due to low subscription will be considered for this program. The parameters for Online Coursework are:- High school level courses only (no college courses)
- Parental and administrative pre-approval is required
- District funded (with a commitment from the student to complete the course)
- Will not count towards the 42 periods per cycle cap
- May only count towards elective credits
- Students may take 1 credit per year of online coursework
The courses will appear on the Conestoga transcript with a grade designation of Pass or Fail, and the amount of credit earned. Typically, 0.5 credit will be issued for a semester course and 1.0 credit will be issued for a full year course. Students will earn an official grade report from the online provider of the course, but this grade will not be included in Conestoga’s GPA or honor roll calculations.
Interested students can find District-approved online courses here, and also may submit proposals to participate in courses not listed.
Application for High School Online CourseStudent Aide ProgramSupervised by Conestoga personnel, student aides are given the opportunity to participate in a variety of learning experiences while at the same time help their peers and their school. Grades 9-12.Service Learning
Students may propose an idea for community service that earns Conestoga credit. Under the supervision of a CHS faculty member, students may develop an idea that demonstrates social responsibility and serves the community. Work on the activity may take place during school hours or on personal time. Grades 9-12.Allied Health Science Technology-By application only
Interested students should consult with their counselor during their junior year. Students may gain hands-on experience by working in a hospital setting for several hours per week. Sponsored by the Chester County Intermediate Unit, the Allied Health Program combines clinical experience with classroom experience to provide an in-depth opportunity to learn about different professional roles in the health care field. Grade 12.Teacher Academy - By application only
Interested students should consult with their counselor during their junior year. The Teacher Academy creates opportunities for students who are considering education as a career to gain experience in a classroom setting by working with a cooperating middle or high school teacher. Sponsored by the Chester County Intermediate Unit, the program combines classroom learning with practical field work. Grade 12.Chester County Technical College High SchoolStudents in grades 9-12 have the opportunity to pursue a vocational/technical course of study at the Technical College High School on either a half-time or a full-time basis. Students attending on a half-day basis will be required to meet all Conestoga graduation requirements. Full-time students take both their academic and technology courses at TCHS-Pickering, and may continue to participate in Conestoga athletics and activities. TCHS issues its own report cards and credits to students as they advance through the program. These credits will appear on the Conestoga transcript as transfer credits. Upon satisfactory completion of their program, students are awarded a Conestoga High School diploma. Transportation is provided by the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District. Interested students should see their counselors.Early Admission to College
Students who wish to begin university studies full-time before completing high school graduation requirements may be eligible to earn credits toward a Conestoga diploma while attending college. Students must gain admission to a college or university. Specific collegiate coursework may be used to fulfill Conestoga graduation requirements. An early admission contract must be completed well in advance in order for a program and graduation plan to be approved. Students interested in this option should seek information from their counselor before applying to any college program. Grades 9-12.College Courses During High School (Dual Enrollment)Students at Conestoga High School have the opportunity to take Dual Enrollment courses instructed by Conestoga teachers. Dual Enrollment courses are sponsored by colleges and universities who contract with the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District, thereby allowing the student to earn both Conestoga credit and college credit upon successful completion. Students enrolled in courses designated as Dual Enrollment will have the opportunity to elect college credit by registering and paying for the course through the sponsoring college/university. Interested students should speak with their school counselor or assistant principal of academic programming to learn more about Conestoga’s dual enrollment offerings.