Language Arts
The fifth grade language arts course provides continuity between the elementary and middle
school reading and writing programs. Children expand their reading skills through lessons
revolving around comprehension strategies utilizing a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction texts.
They continue their development in writing, focusing particularly on basic paragraph structure -
topic sentence and supporting details - as a foundation for future work on the essay. Students
explore their language through activities in grammar and usage, as well as spelling and
vocabulary. They learn basic research skills and participate in both individual and group oral
Social Studies
World Studies I includes a focus on the world and its peoples. Throughout the year, students actively explore their world - past and present. Through regional modules focused on Latin America, Northern Africa, Europe, and South Asia, students examine the world through an integrated approach which considers geography, history, culture, and modern issues.
Mathematics is offered at two ability levels to meet the needs of students. Those working a full
year above grade level use a sixth grade textbook to develop the following topics: set theory,
operations with whole numbers, number theory, integers, fractions, decimals, geometry, ratio,
proportion, percent, probability and statistics. Students are selected for this program based upon
their level of math achievement and the recommendation of the fourth grade mathematics
teacher. All other students use a fifth grade textbook as these topics are developed: place value,
whole number operations, decimals, statistics, graphing, number theory, fractions, geometry,
measurement, perimeter, area, volume, ratio, percent, and probability.
Science deals with a variety of topics designed to interest students in science. A hands-on
approach is used as frequently as possible. Students pose questions and engage in activities as
they seek answers to their questions. The major topics of study are: animals without backbones,
animals with backbones, living communities, electricity, sources of energy, changes in the earth,
changes in the weather, and experiments with plants. Topics of current interest such as ecology
and the environment are also part of the curriculum. Retaining and increasing student interest in
science is an important goal of this course.
The fifth grade art program is designed to enhance children's exposure to works of art, and to
help them look at art more perceptively and understand that art continues to be a valid mode of
expression. They develop basic skills in drawing, painting, and clay, using elements such as line,
shape, texture, space, value and color. The arts of ancient civilization are integrated into the fifth
grade art program, giving it a multi- cultural focus. Student art work is displayed throughout the
year in the school community. The students meet two times during a six day cycle for the full year.
This course introduces the students to the study of health. Emphasis will be on the following body
systems: circulatory, respiratory, and digestive. Included in the course of study will be family life,
safety & first aid, and fire safety. All students will be required and expected to maintain a threering
binder specifically for health, throughout year.
Classroom music instruction in the Tredyffrin-Easttown School District focuses on singing, music
reading, classroom instruments, music appreciation, improvisation and composition, and
movement. Fifth grade students use individual vocal range in two-part singing. They read simple
melodies and rhythms, and apply them to the creation of music on classroom instruments,
including the recorder. Students arrange simple pieces for voice or for instruments other than
those for which they were written. They learn about musical theater, experiencing various real
works. Finally, students learn and perform dances from different cultures and time periods.
World Languages
In fifth grade, students begin their focused study of world languages by selecting either French
or Spanish. In this introductory year, through a sequence of oral activities, students learn basic vocabulary and phrases for greetings, names, colors, alphabet, numbers, families, describing people and the other topics of interest. They also take part in cultural activities, game and video presentations relating to the language itself and to the countries where that language is spoken.
Physical Education
This course is an introduction to team and individual sports and has an emphasis on basic skill
development through participation in drills, modified games, and the parent form of the games.
Activities include basketball, volleyball, softball, team handball, floor hockey, field hockey, and
wrestling. All programs are developed on a continuous progress basis for preparation in 6th, 7th
and 8th grade physical education. Physical assessments (Fitnessgram and Presidential) are
administered during the school year.
In sixth grade, students enhance their application of paragraph structure and write longer
descriptive pieces as well as poetry. They read and discuss a variety of literature, including
novels and short stories, and learn to recognize basic features of literature such as character
development, plot and setting. They develop their research skills through individual and small
group projects and presentations involving a variety of applications. Students continue their study
of the English language, focusing particularly on effective word choice, subject-verb agreement,
sentence variety, pronoun usage and correct punctuation.
Using a variety of fiction and non-fiction as well as traditional and non-traditional texts, students
work to master reading skills that will aid them in all subject areas in middle school, high school,
college and beyond. Sixth graders respond to reading through writing, expand their vocabulary,
and learn a variety of reading and study strategies which will enable them to approach any text
with confidence. Teachers provide encouragement for students to read for pleasure as well as for
Social Studies
The sixth grade social studies program is based upon the study of human and physical geography. The study centers on the five themes of geography: location, place, interaction, movement and region. The purposes of the program are for students to acquire and understand geographic information, to learn about the significant conditions and processes of their work, and to think and act as geographers in solving problems of the global community. Teaching and learning activities of the sixth grade social studies program may include, but are not limited to, oral and written presentations, database and media research, field trips, telecommunications, composition writing, cooperative and group learning, map construction, map interpretation, and the discussion of current events. Geographic topics and units are often coordinated with learning in other disciplines. The art, music, family and consumer sciences, and technology education programs support the students' learning in geography.
In 2013-2014, the sixth grade program was modified to continue the study of the world initiated in grade 5. Students experience similarly structured units focused on world regions and their geography, history, culture, and modern issues.
This course makes use of the scientific method in many contexts as students design and carry
out experiments to answer questions. Students are actively involved in doing science as they
investigate patterns of living things, cells and microbes, matter, chemical changes, energy,
temperature, and heat. Microscopes and other technologies are used to support a variety of
hands-on activities. Science students participate in interdisciplinary units which are supported by
the entire core team. Although these units differ in each of the middle schools, they are directly
related to science or to great scientific achievements of the past.
This course is offered at two ability levels to meet the needs of all students. Those working a full
year above grade level use a seventh grade textbook to develop the following topics: set theory,
number numeral concepts including square root, integers, number theory, rational numbers
including decimals, ratio, proportion, percent, probability, statistics, functions, graphing, and basic
principles of geometry. Students are selected for this program based upon their level of math
achievement and the recommendation of the fifth grade mathematics teacher. All other students
use a sixth grade textbook to develop the following topics: set theory, operations involving whole
numbers, number theory, integers, fractions, decimals, ratio, proportion, and percent.
The sixth grade art program is designed to include studio work experiences that give repeated,
gradual building experiences with a range of media, skills and techniques. Emphasis will be
placed on design and composition in drawing, painting and three-dimensional form, utilizing the
principles of organization, such as rhythm, unity/harmony, variety and proportion. Interdisciplinary
connections are made when appropriate. Students become acquainted with various art forms
from cultures around the world. Student artwork is displayed throughout the year in the school
community. The students meet two times during a six day cycle for the full year.
World Languages
In sixth grade, students continue their focused study of world languages. Through a sequence of oral activities, students learn basic vocabulary and phrases for greetings, telling time, seasons & weather, families, food, and other topics of interest. They also take part in cultural activities, games and video presentations relating to the language itself and to the countries where that language is spoken.
The health course is designed to promote an understanding of physical and emotional aspects of
healthy living. The emphasis in sixth grade is on the skeletal system, muscular system, nervous
system, family life, prevention of drug & alcohol abuse, care of the body, and safety & accident
prevention. All students will be required and expected to maintain a three-ring binder specifically
for health, throughout the year.
Classroom instruction in the Tredyffrin/Easttown School District focuses on singing, music
reading, classroom instruments, music appreciation, improvisation and composition, and
movement. Sixth grade students sing with expression and technical accuracy in two parts. They
read increasingly complex melodies and rhythms, and apply them, or play by ear, on classroom
instruments, including the recorder. Students arrange simple pieces, with increased use of music
notation, for voice or for instruments other than those for which they were written. They learn
about musical theater and other musical genres, experiencing various real works. Finally,
students learn and perform dances from different cultures and time periods.
Physical Education
This course is a continuation of the introduction to team and individual sports and has an
emphasis on basic skill development through participation in drills, modified games, and the
parent form of the games. Activities include basketball, volleyball, softball, team handball, floor
hockey, field hockey, and wrestling. All programs are developed on a continuous progress basis
for preparation in 7th and 8th grade physical education. Physical assessments (Fitnessgram and
Presidential) are administered during the school year.
The seventh grade English program combines the study of literature, writing, language structure
and oral communication. Students read and respond to short stories, novels, poetry and drama.
In writing they focus on polishing and expanding their control of paragraph structure (persuasive,
comparison/contrast, analytical, critical) and writing longer creative pieces. They continue their
exploration of the research process through a variety of activities and take part in speeches and
other oral presentations.
Social Studies
American Studies I includes a focus on the political, economic, and social foundations of the United States. The program begins with an introduction to the European underpinnings of American History. The Age of Exploration follows and delves into the Colonial Era with an emphasis on Pennsylvania history. In conjunction with the aspect of religious freedom in American colonization students will engage in a unit on tolerance. The course’s chronological presentation follows the struggle for independence and the emergence of an independent government.
This course deals with many topics from the life and physical sciences. Students are engaged in
hands-on activities on a regular basis as they gain insights into the mysteries of science. The
major topics of study include the diversity of living things, interactions, solutions, forces, motion,
structures, and design. Science students also participate in interdisciplinary units which are
supported by the entire core team.
Seventh grade mathematics is offered at multiple levels to meet the needs of all students. Those
working a full year above-grade level use an eighth grade textbook as pre-algebra concepts are
developed including the solution of linear equations and introduction to polynomial expressions.
Other topics include: sets or probability and statistics, integers, geometry, number theory, rational
numbers including fractions and decimals, percent, functions and graphing, patterns and problem
solving. Students are selected for this program based upon their level of math achievement and
the recommendation of the sixth grade mathematics teacher. All other students use a seventh
grade mathematics textbook to develop these topics: sets or probability and statistics,
number/numeral, number theory, geometry, fractions, ratio and proportion, decimals, percent,
integers, and patterns and problem solving.
World Language - French 1 or Spanish 1
The seventh grade language program in French and Spanish provides students with the basics of
language structure and focuses heavily on spoken language. A key component is the
development of oral proficiency through engaging lessons in vocabulary and the provision of
many opportunities for speaking. A wide variety of individual and group activities are used in the
classroom as students learn language and culture, and increase their international awareness.
Individualized Reading
For students who need some additional instruction and practice in developing reading skills, this
course provides individual and small group instruction by a reading specialist. Student interest
and abilities are taken into account as the young people are taught strategies to help them to
succeed in reading in all content areas as they continue their education.
The seventh grade art program advances the students' understanding and skills in drawing,
painting, and three-dimensional form through a double period studio experience. Elements of
design, principles of organization, art styles and movements, and art criticism are further explored
by the students as media skills and techniques refine and blossom creatively at this pivotal age.
Interdisciplinary connections are utilized when applicable. Student artwork is displayed throughout the year in the school community. The students meet two times during a six day cycle for one semester.
The health program in seventh grade is designed to promote an understanding of the physical
and emotional aspects of healthy living. The emphasis in seventh grade health is on chemicals
and additives, wellness, mental health, anatomy and physiology, and family life. All students will
be required to complete a chemicals and additives game project, and will be required and
expected to maintain a health three-ring binder throughout the year.
Family and Consumer Sciences
Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) prepares students to begin their journey toward becoming
independent, productive citizens. The program emphasizes hands-on involvement; practical
problem solving skills in developmentally appropriate real-life applications; learning environments
designed to meet developmental needs of all students; and our educational goals for all learners.
Seventh graders take an in-depth look at nutrition and wellness with an emphasis on breakfast
foods. Students will experience an extended period of time in the foods lab setting which will
prepare them for an at-home breakfast project.
Classroom music instruction in the Tredyffrin-Easttown School District focuses on singing, music
reading, classroom instruments, music appreciation, improvisation and composition, and
movement. In seventh grade, students continue to become familiar with their own vocal range.
Additionally, they expand their music reading skills, with opportunity to use standard notation to
record musical ideas. Students improvise simple melodies and harmonies by ear on various
classroom instruments. They continue their investigation of music as an art form, comparing the
capacity of various forms of art to express ideas and emotions. Seventh graders can recognize
dance movement as a separate form of expression, and show awareness of the relationship of
movement to different styles of music and other art forms.
Physical Education
A continuation of team and individual activities with an emphasis on basic skill development, this
course is designed to give seventh grade students exposure to activities and experiences that are
often not included in their traditional physical education classes. Students will be required to
complete a partner or individual project on a lifetime sport or activity. Students will also be
involved in cooperation games, group challenges, and problem solving activities throughout the
duration of the course. All students are encouraged to participate at maximum effort, no matter
what their ability level is, to obtain the social and physical benefits of participation. Physical
fitness assessments (Fitnessgram and Presidential) are administered during the school year.
Technology Education
The seventh grade technology education curriculum is divided into two parts. Students are
introduced to the Pro/DESKTOP 3D design software package. Students work with a partner to
design a variety of objects including a remote control, game controller, or other handheld device.
Ergonomic principles are discussed and incorporated into the designs. The second portion of the
course focuses on automobile safety. Students are exposed to a variety of safety features
present in today's vehicles as well as some of the history behind those developments. Students
work with a partner to design, produce and test a vehicle that will keep a raw egg safe in the
event of a frontal collision and a roll-over test. Automobile design, safety ratings and the future of
automobile safety are also explored.
Advisory Initiatives
Students spend three periods per cycle participating in teacher-led activities directly related to
strategic initiatives such as creativity, personal and social responsibility and global awareness. Problem-solving, Global weather calamities and financial literacy are some of the topics used to access these initiatives.
The eighth grade English program provides students with the academic focus in writing, language
structure and literature that will help them to succeed in high school and beyond. Writing
instruction relates to basic essay structure - development of the thesis statement and support - as
students critique literature they are studying and write about other topics of interest. Opportunities
for creative writing and journal writing are also provided. Working as a whole class as well as a
member of a smaller discussion group, students read a variety of novels and relate them
thematically. Eighth grade English students do a research project and take part in various speech
activities to expand their confidence and speaking ability.
Social Studies
In American Studies II, students focus on the political, economic, and social foundations of the new nation. The program begins with a study of civics and role of government and includes the historical context of the Constitution. A unit on the American economic system follows as students engage in a study of basic economic concepts and principles. The course chronology includes an examination of United States history from 1789 to 1860, including the events up to, and contributing to, the American Civil War.
This course deals with a variety of topics from the life, physical, earth, and space sciences.
Students do many hands-on activities and experiments. The major topics include: life processes,
machines, work, energy, oceans, climate, particles, radon testing, the continuity of life, and simple
genetics. As time permits other interesting topics are considered. These topics may include
environmental issues, orienteering, or bridge building and testing.
At this level, students are exposed to a variety of topics including: integers, number theory,
geometry, rational numbers, decimals, percents, functions and graphing. Students examine the
role of a variable in each of the units covered. Upon completion of this course, students begin a
formal study of algebra in ninth grade.
Algebra I
This course begins the formal study of algebra and is offered at two different levels. Among the
topics developed are an introduction to algebra, linear functions and inequalities, functions and
linear graphing, linear systems, proportions and variation, polynomial and exponent operations,
factoring, radicals, quadratic expressions, rational expressions and equations and introductory
probability and statistics.
World Language - French 2 or Spanish 2
Students in eighth grade continue their program in foreign language, experiencing a wide variety
of instructional situations which enable them to expand their communicative ability. They extend
their knowledge of the basics of grammar and increase their vocabulary through oral, visual, and
written prompts. They also learn more about the culture of the countries in which the target
language is spoken. When they enter the high school program, they are prepared to take the third
year high school course in French or Spanish.
Individualized Reading
For students who need some additional instruction and practice in developing reading skills, this
course provides individual and small group instruction by a reading specialist. Student interests
and abilities are taken into account as the young people are taught strategies to help them in all
content areas as they enter high school.
The eighth grade art program continues to provide experiences consistent with the interests and
the intellectual, social and aesthetic maturity of the students. The course provides experience in
enhancing personal development, self-awareness and confidence in one's ability. By increasing
their understanding of art heritage and recognizing artistic styles and achievements, the students
grow in their awareness of the art world. Exploration of additional units may include
interdisciplinary approaches, multi-cultural perspectives and technology. Students who wish to
continue in art at the high school level are encouraged and given guidance. Student artwork is displayed throughout the year in the school
community. The students meet two times during a six day cycle for one semester.
Family and Consumer Science
Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) prepares students to begin their journey toward becoming
independent, productive citizens. The program emphasizes hands-on involvement; practical
problem solving skills in developmentally appropriate real-life applications; learning environments
designed to meet developmental needs of all students; and our educational goals for all learners.
The FCS curriculum includes three units of study that are essential for all students. The
consumerism unit explores skills needed to make wise consumer decisions and manage money
successfully. In the textile unit, students participate in a community service project that they
design and create. In the nutrition and wellness unit, students use their knowledge of healthy food
choices to prepare a variety of meals.
The health program in the eighth grade is designed to promote an understanding of the physical
and emotional aspects of healthy living, and the development of strong decision making skills.
Students will learn where to find accurate and valuable information outside of school. The
emphasis in eighth grade health is on chemicals & addictives, disease prevention, aging, death &
dying, environmental health, social health, and consumer health. All students will be required to
complete a chemicals and addictives project, disease report, and will be required and expected to
maintain a health three-ring binder throughout the year.
Classroom music instruction in the Tredyffrin-Easttown School District focuses on singing, music
reading, classroom instruments, music appreciation, improvisation and composition, and
movement. In eighth grade, students sing accurately with good breath control and expression,
alone and in small and large ensembles. They read basic notation in various meters, identifying
standard notation for pitch, rhythm, dynamics, tempo, articulation and expression. Students
evaluate the quality of performances, compositions, arrangements and improvisations, applying
specific criteria. They reproduce melodies and rhythms on classroom instruments. Students show
awareness of the relationship of movement to different styles of music and other art forms.
Physical Education
Students continue to participate in team sports with more emphasis placed on advanced
knowledge and skills. The Presidential Physical Fitness test will be administered in the fall and in
the spring, and the results of the previous three years will be compared.
Technology Education
The eighth grade technology education curriculum focuses on transportation. Students work
independently throughout the engineering design process to design, produce and race a CO2
powered car. Each car is then tested for drag in a wind tunnel and competes in gravity feed and
CO2 races. Aerodynamics and historical milestones in transportation are also explored. Creative
thinking, problem-solving and responsible use of machine and hand tools in the lab are
addressed throughout the course.
Student Services
Student services are designed to help each student obtain maximum benefit from the school
program. These services are centered around the school counselors and include the school
nurse, school psychologist, and therapists for hearing, speech, and occupational therapy.
Philosophy of Student and School Counseling Services
Counselors are concerned with the educational, emotional, and social development of all
students in relation to their total school experience. School Counseling is an integral part of the
school program, consisting of a coordinated plan involving students, parents, and all members of
the professional staff, as well as numerous specialists. Although the counselor plays a major role
in the development and implementation of the comprehensive school counseling program, the
cooperation and active participation of teachers and administrators are essential for an effective
program. The classroom teacher, because of the direct involvement with the students on a daily
basis, plays an essential role in any guidance program. The school administration provides the
climate and helps set appropriate guidelines and conditions for an effective school counseling
program. The counselor is the key figure in the program, working directly with students and
serving as a resource person for parents, teachers, and administrators in helping children meet
their developmental needs. At the center of the comprehensive program is the individual student
for whom the counselor hopes to provide meaningful educational experience. Counselors stay
with the same students from fifth grade through eighth grade.
Advisory Initiatives
Students spend three periods per cycle participating in teacher-led activities directly related to
strategic initiatives such as creativity, personal and social responsibility and global
awareness. Problem-solving, global weather calamities and financial literacy are some of the
topics used to access these initiatives.