English Language Development (ELD)
The English Language Development program is for students whose primary home language is other than English. The goal of the ELD (English Language Development) program is to increase proficiency levels for English learners (ELs) in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary, and to provide students with the capacity to succeed in school, both academically and socially. The ELD program specialist also acts as a liaison between school and home. Recognizing the diversity of T/E students, the ELD program specialists foster each child’s participation in the T/E schools while preserving the child’s own language and cultural heritage.ELD CURRICULUM AND PHILOSOPHY
The Tredyffrin/Easttown School District’s ELD curriculum is based on sound theory using the best practices in second language acquisition strategies. The foundation of the language arts curriculum is based on the Houghton Mifflin reading series that has been adopted by the district as the primary reading program for the elementary school program. We have chosen Houghton Mifflin’s On Our Way to English as the series that will provide our ELs the skills they will need once they enter the mainstream program.ELD PROGRAM COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT
The ELD Program taps into community resources as well as provides the community with many opportunities to share their ideas on program enhancement and evaluation. The topic of ELD has been discussed at the Board Education Committee as well as the District’s Diversity Committee. Volunteer Services has also compiled a list of community volunteers who are available for translation services as well as regular assistance to the ELD teachers. An ELD Open House Gathering is held annually for all ELs (English Language Learners), their families, community members, school board, and school/district administrators.WEB RESOURCES
Resources for Teachers
Resources for Parents
Helping your Child Succeed in School
Resources for Students
Additional Information-
T/E School District ELD Policy 6170 and Regulation 6170