Medications at School
IMPORTANT INFORMATION TO ALL PARENTS 0F CHILDREN RECEIVING MEDICATION IN SCHOOLPlease refer to the Tredyffrin-Easttown School District medication Policy and Regulation 5406 for additional information1.
Students are not permitted to carry prescription or over-the-counter medications to school. Only emergency medications such as Epi-Pens, rescue inhalers, and diabetic medications and supplies qualify as self-carry medications with a physician's order. Parents/Guardians must deliver all other medications to school.
Medications may be given in school if failure to take the medication would jeopardize the student’s health or prevent a child from attending school. The initial dose of a medication cannot be given at school except in a life-threatening situation.
Acetaminophen (generic Tylenol), Ibuprofen (generic Advil for middle and high school only), and Benadryl only for allergic reactions may be dispensed by the nurse under the direction of the school physician at the discretion of the school nurse, and with the permission of a parent or guardian. A check off area for permission to give these medications is included on the student emergency card.
Prescription medications and over-the-counter medications may be dispensed by the school nurse with a written order from a physician indicating the student’s name, the name of the medication, the dosage, the route of administration, the time, any special circumstances under which the medication should be administered, and the length of the period for which the medication is prescribed. Signed permission from a parent or guardian requesting the school nurse to administer the medication is also required.
Epinephrine auto injector, emergency inhalers and diabetic supplies including glucagon are considered emergency medications and may be carried by the student if a physician, parent/guardian and responsible personnel signature is on file in the nurse’s office. Students are encouraged to report to the nurse each time a dose is self-administered.
Parents of students who have life-threatening allergies should provide to the nurse each year a completed Emergency Allergy Plan and any needed emergency medications as indicated in Allergy Policy and Regulation 5403. Doctor's orders must be dated on or after July 1st of the current school year.
All medications received must be in pharmacy issued bottle that matches the current doctor's order.
All medications must be picked up from the nurse’s office during the last week of school by a parent or guardian. Medications remaining after the last day will be destroyed.
Students are not permitted to carry medications on School Field Trips except as stipulated in item 5. The physician’s order must include the student’s name, the name of the medication, the dose, the route of administration and the time or special circumstances under which the medication should be given. All prescription and over-the-counter medications must be given to the nurse or staff member accompanying the students on the trip. The medication must be in the original pharmacy container. A parent’s request to administer the medication and a physician’s order must be provided.
Physician's Order for Prescription and Over-The-Counter Medications FormEmergency Allergy Plan - for life-threatening allergies