• TESD Technology Department
    Director of Educational Program
    610-240-1900 (x19550)

    Lisa Lukens
    Teacher on Special Assignment for Technology, K-12
    610-240-1900 (x19552)

    Ben Kemp
    Information Systems Manager
    610-240-1900 (x19553)

    Network & Security Manager
    610-240-1900 (x19556) 

    Shawn Goff
    IT Support Supervisor
    610-240-1900 (x19559)

    Chris Connolly
    District Communications Specialist and Web Specialist
    610-240-1900 (x19506)
    All technology questions can be submitted to FamilyHelpDesk@tesd.net
    District Technology Committee
    The District Technology Committee deals with technology initiatives K-12. Specifically, this committee sets technology priorities for the District; shares exemplary practices, new technologies, and issues of concern; advises the administration on technology policies and regulations; reviews Internet issues including the use of blocking software and related issues; determines hardware and software standards for educational users;  and develops and revises T/E’s technology plan.
    This committee includes classroom teachers from each instructional level, building administrators, central office administrators, and one member of the Board of School Directors.