Art Faculty
- Leanne Argonish: argonishl@tesd.net
- Beata Artz: artzb@tesd.net
- Seth Dixon: dixons@tesd.net
- Joanne Wagner: wagnerj@tesd.net
Studio Art Programs: Students will create a primary or supplemental portfolio for college application and/or for AP credit.- Studio Art I:
- Semester I: Foundations Drawing and Design (Mixed Drawing Media and Graphic Design)
- Semester II: Color Studies (Painting and Color Theory)
- Studio Art II:
- Semester I: Three-Dimmensional Foundations (3-D Design and Sculpture in Mixed Media)
- Semester II: Printmaking
- Studio Art III
- Semester I: Advanced Drawing/Painting and Portfolio Preparation
- Semester II: Digital Media (Photography and Web Design) - Business and Technology Credit
- Studio Art IV/AP Studio Art: Drawing and 2D Design-Full-Year
Art Elective Programs: Courses designed for students with any level of interest in art, visual awareness and creative thinking.
- Advanced Ceramics and Clay Sculpture* 6/6
- Advanced Photography* 6/6
- Advanced 3-D Sculpture and Mixed Media 6/6*
- AP Art History/Art History 6/6
- Ceramics and Clay Sculpture 6/6
- Digital Photography 3/6
- Drawing/Painting 3/6
- Graphic Design and Animation 6/6
- 3-D Sculpture and Mixed Media 6/6
- Web Page Design* 3/6
•Note: Non-sequential courses provide a continuing experience which permits a student to elect a particular course for credit more than once during his/her years at Conestoga. These courses are identified with an asterisk (*) after the name.
Ten Lessons the Arts Teach: http://www.arteducators.org/advocacy/10-lessons-the-arts-teach